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Spin wheel in dojo framework

I have a piece of code this.domNode.classList.add('widget-loading'); which is adding a spin wheel. Now I want to sustain the spin wheel for 10 seconds. I tried the below which dint work. ...
Kousthubha's user avatar
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Issue with dojo confirm dialog widget called from jsp

I have the following widget: FruitWidget.html <div data-dojo-type="dijit/ConfirmDialog" data-dojo-attach-point="fruitWarningDialog" data-dojo-props="title:'Timeout Warning'" data-dojo-attach-...
Vicky's user avatar
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Intercepting response in dojo to read cookies

I have a filter on server side which adds a cookie myCookie to every response. I am intercepting the response in a dojo widget as below: define("mySolution/ServerCookieWidget", [ "dojo/request/...
Vicky's user avatar
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Dojo widget not rendered correctly, when placed in inactive accordion container

I have a web application using the ArcGIS JS API with a bunch of custom widgets. If I place an esri/dijit/editing/TemplatePicker inside a ContentPane inside an Accordion container tab, which is ...
Marco's user avatar
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Dojo documentation alternative

I've been developing dojo widgets lately but I'm still new to dojo so I need a lot of help from the dojo website to understand different modules but it's been ...
bliu's user avatar
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How to define Widget class for toolbar with buttons in Dojo Toolkit?

I will create new class - toolbar with standard action buttons ( Add, Edit, Remove, Refresh ). I wrote simple class for this: define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/...
Dunaevsky Maxim's user avatar
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dojo dijit extra template wire up events

I am creating a templated widget using dojo dijit, however a separate HTML template form with data-dojo-attach-event need to be loaded in and wire-up the events because the form is designed to be used ...
Richard So's user avatar
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Dojo 1.10 Widget is not a Constructor

I have the following Custom Widget that I want to instantiate in another Javascript file named Core.js. Dashboard Widget define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/config", "dojo/ready", "dojo/...
Pow4Pow5's user avatar
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How to load external d3pie.js file present in lib folder when creating custom widget using Dojo?

I am creating a custom widget using Dojo. Now I am using d3pie.js file in my widget which is present in lib folder. In define function I am calling the file, and when trying to access the variable and ...
bbsk's user avatar
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How to get the whole HTML value from Dijit Editor

Hello Experts I need help I'm using dojo Dijit Editor "rich text editor" field in my widget, on page load I fetch HTML text from database and I set the rich text editor with the HTML normally, Then ...
user1814595's user avatar
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Difference between initializing array in Widget's class variable and constructor?

Is there a difference if I initialize an array in the class variables of a widget or in it's constructor? To be clear, what is the difference between this (Declaration 1) : define([ "dojo/...
Himanshu's user avatar
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How to destroy dojo ListItem

Every time I enter a dojox/mobile/View I need to reload a dojox/mobile/EdgeToEdgeStoreList: javascript var list = registry.byId("myList"); var store = new Memory({data: JSON.parse(myData), ...
Mark's user avatar
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What is the correct way to set a div as the dropdown for a Dojo widget?

I asked a related question about this recently: Dojo _hasDropDown - How do I declaratively bind the properties?. However, I've been struggling with this problem for about 30 hours by now (20 of those ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Could somebody explain to me what exactly is happening in the Dojo's ''dojo/on" module?

I started fiddling around with Dojo.js and came across a thing I don't understand. I'm trying to create my own widget. The widget would be really simple - it would just query all images on the page ...
Peter Bosák's user avatar
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Correct way to use JSDoc with anonymous object and functions of this object

Currently using Webstorm in a project with Dojo (1.10), and ESRI API Javascript. I have a function that accept a Widget (Object/Class), but the Webstorm show me some warnings because of JSDoc. Code: ...
Roberto Correia's user avatar

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