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9,226 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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React native (expo) web view Error net::ERR_CACHE_MISS

I am using react native(expo) and try to use web view package And i am getting this warning in console and didn't see anything on mobile screen. "sdkVersion": "36.0.0", "expo": "~36.0.0", ...
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21 votes
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Setting up Detox with Expo on Android

I'm trying to set up Detox with Expo on Android emulator (Genymotion) but I have an error that I can't go through.... I've installed the necessary packages : Detox detox-expo-helpers expo-detox-...
Toto NaBendo's user avatar
16 votes
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React Native in Expo: Asyncstorage gets cleared when app refreshes

This is going to be a dumb question cause I couldn't show any code as I don't what happened or where this is possible happening. I have been developing a react native app for months now and from the ...
Jed's user avatar
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React Native TextInput Error: perform input operation requires a valid sessionID

I have a React Native project using the Expo managed workflow with Prebuild. I'm simply rendering a TextInput component and I am receiving this error: [RemoteTextInput] -[RTIInputSystemClient ...
David Henry's user avatar
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Disconnected from the Metro server. Reload to reconnect

Using RN with Expo, I've started getting the Disconnected from the Metro server. Reload to reconnect error to appear pretty much every time after hitting Save. I found this -
user's user avatar
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14 votes
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Expo cannot open development build on android emulator

I'm trying to run my Expo managed project on Android simulator with npx expo run:android. I have expo-dev-client installed. When I run npx expo run:android, it fails with the message: CommandError: ...
hayata_suenaga's user avatar
13 votes
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React Native warnings after upgrading to SDK 49 Expo

Hi i'm getting those warnings after upgrading my react native app to SDK 49 "transform" style array value is deprecated. Use space-separated string functions, e.g., "scaleX(2) rotateX(...
Valerio Fusco's user avatar
13 votes
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How to handle a share intent(sending an image) in the expo app?

Is there any way to handle sharing files to expo app? According to the documentation of app.json it's possible to provide intentFilters, but I can't find anything regarding handling them afterwards. ...
Phil Rukin's user avatar
11 votes
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Error: Unable to deactivate keep awake. However, it probably is deactivated already. App created by Expo cli

I have created an app by using the following command. npx create-react-native-app notification I did not edit the code. Once I launch the app in the Android emulator and If I press the back button and ...
user1927603's user avatar
11 votes
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Add Google Sign to Expo app, and server-side session handling

Environment React Native 0.62 Expo SDK Version: 37 Platforms(Android and iOS): Context Hi, I am building an app using Expo client and I would like to add Google Sign in. I have already created both ...
Sopsop's user avatar
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11 votes
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Attempted import error: 'shouldUseActivityState' is not exported from 'react-native-screens'

I'm getting this error : C:/Users/Mobile/node_modules/@react-navigation/drawer/lib/module/views/ResourceSavingScene.js Attempted import error: 'shouldUseActivityState' is not exported from 'react-...
Notation's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is there a way to open instagram app on 'add page' from my expo app (react native solution)?

I am new to react-native/expo, so maybe because of it, I can't find any solution. I want to open 'Instagram app' from my new app. But the Instagram should be opened on 'add' page, where the user can ...
andrey's user avatar
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10 votes
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Gets ENOTDIR error when yarn start for expo project

I activated yarn by following yarn official docs ( I created an expo app with yarn by following react native official docs (
minseokk's user avatar
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How to sign out of an AWS Cognito federated identity session?

It is easy to sign into an AWS Cognito session either via username and password or federated identity using { Auth } from 'aws-amplify' by Auth.signIn({ username: email, password: password}) or Auth....
Shep Sims's user avatar
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Expo Application Services (eas) upload release notes

We are thinking of using Expo Application Services to build and then submit our builds to both app store and the play store. All seems pretty straightforward, however, there is one piece that we can't ...
0xtuytuy's user avatar
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