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How to use Newtonsoft JSON serializer for all Flurl 4.0 calls globally or per specific client

I need to use Newtonsoft JSON serializer for all calls made via Flurl 4.0 (or at least for all calls made by a specific Flurl client), but I cannot figure out how to set it up. From the answer to the ...
Alek Davis's user avatar
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Reverse proxy in ASP.NET Core: how to return the HTTP status code from destination server?

I'm using ASP.NET Core and Flurl to write a reverse proxy that sends requests to one destination server, another server, or both, depending on how the reverse proxy is configured at runtime. I want ...
jason44107's user avatar
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2 answers

.NET Core 8 - Flurl not using the current user credentials for the default proxy

I am building a .NET Core 8 app that sends an HTTP request to a REST API using Flurl. When I manually set the proxy with my credentials, it works fine. However, when I don't set my credentials, the ...
Théo Uzan's user avatar
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Remove Accept-Encoding Header in Flurl.Http

Flurl.Http sends in every Request the following Header: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate This behaviour is since Update to Version 4. I would contact API, which returns Error 406 when i send a request ...
mavo1848's user avatar
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How to configure Delegating handler in Flurl clientless configuration

Flurl website document shows it has a configuration which allows to pass in Delegating Handlers. It would be at the end of the above link. All code is configured ...
Bobby Jose's user avatar
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Why is the Json deserializer not working?

I'm quite new to Json files and Blazor, and I was trying to deserialize a Json string, but when I try to fill a list with objects obtained via deserializer the list is full of null objects. I'm also ...
Michelle's user avatar
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Sending json to an API as a string causes an error, but sending the dotnet object does not

Language: C# .net framework 4.8 Visual Studio 2019. I was trying to send a json to an API, and if I send it as a string: string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataToSend, Formatting.Indented)...
Javier Cintrón's user avatar
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How to register multiple Flurl clients in DI container?

Flurl documentation says that the recommended approach for Flurl clients using DI is to utilize this registration pattern: // at service registration: services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(sp ...
Nikolay Badin's user avatar
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Update from IFlurlClientFactory to IFlurlClientCache - Do I need using around IFlurlClientFactory.GetOrAdd()?

I have recently updated from the old IFlurlClientFactory to the new IFlurlClientCache and thus applied all the required changes. We were seeing an issue when using the following code: public class ...
Colin Campbell's user avatar
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How to move away from CustomHttpClientFactory in Flurl 4.0?

What we have implemented currently is something like this: with the CustomHttpClientFactory being a BearerTokenManagingHttpClientFactory ...
Rama Rahul's user avatar
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FlurlHttp not including response in event handlers

I am trying to get some information from my response when handling errors, but I cannot seem to figure out why the response is never included. I have tried both AfterCall and OnError, both do not ...
thebugsdontwork's user avatar
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How to specify a proxy for a Flurl client in version 4.0.x?

We're using Flurl v3.0.7 and Flurl.Http v3.2.4. To set up a proxy for a client, we use a helper class: public class ProxyHttpClientFactory : DefaultHttpClientFactory { private readonly string ...
Alek Davis's user avatar
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FLURL 4.0 use Newtonsoft JSON Serializer on a single request

Referencing Flurl Serializers it shows that Flurl 4.0 can use the Newtonsoft based serializer, but it is not clear to me how to do this for a single request. I need this to address a circular loop ...
azpc's user avatar
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Flurl Client Usage with Placeholder in URL

We are aware that it's important to make sure Flurl clients are re-used where possible and that this is controlled via the URL that is supplied to the Get method of IFlurlClientFactory. Some of the ...
MobileDev's user avatar
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How to correctly handle a 204 Response in Flurl

I am working with the Audiocodes SBC API which returns for example when no Alarms are available a 204 as response. This leads to FLurl GetJsonAsync request returning null. The problem now is how would ...
acskr's user avatar
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