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PHP not working as it should be in the like/dislike process [duplicate]

Suppose I have a "table" named comm_rating in my MySQL, and in that, if I have a "rows" name as follows: sno, com_rat_user_id, com_rat_blog_id, com_rat_com_id and com_rat_action, ...
Shikha Singh's user avatar
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HTML and Php form using MySQL results in 405 error [duplicate]

I am a begineer at coding and asking my first question here. I tried to create a HTML signup form using Php and MySQL workbench. According to an online tutorial, my output on submitting the form must ...
user26633254's user avatar
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PHP script showing as a page [duplicate]

So recently I started coding websites for fun and now I'm trying to write a php script which will collect the data from it after clicking "submit", but when I click it, it shows a black page ...
bubbagump's user avatar
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I need to know can i get a data of locale storage with php to store it to mySql [closed]

//that's php file <?php if (isset($_post['cree'])) { require('/config/connexion.php'); if (!empty(isset($_post['email'])) && !empty(isset($_post['pwr'])) && !empty(isset($...
Warano's user avatar
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"HTML Form Select Tag Issue: Only First Word of Multi-Word Selections Inserted into MySQL Table" [duplicate]

A single HTML select tag is populated by a MySQL database table. When a user selects an option containing multiple words and submits it, only the first word of the selection is saved. This is the code ...
R. Purcell's user avatar
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Registration Form not sending data into database

I'm trying to make a find my friends clone but i'm currently having issues with the registration form not inputting data into MySQL database.Login form is able to grab info from the database it's just ...
nvdis heujdhd's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can't display in index.php my data table when items are deleted [duplicate]

I have a form and I connected with MySQL, so whenever I fill it up it will be shown in mySQL. The next step is to have a table of contents in my index.php, which I have. But now when I wanna press the ...
Hollyy's user avatar
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Why is PHP not sending form scores to PHP MyAdmin database?

I am a beginner at web development, and for a college project website I have created a form in HTML with some radio button questions, and then JavaScript which will check the answers against the ...
Isaac Stewart's user avatar
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Why isnt the value from 'clave' being inserted into my database?

I want the user to enter an email, password and user type. In the database, what should be saved is the email, password, user type, time and date. All of those are being saved correctly in the ...
valeria's user avatar
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php form still refreshing with ajax

this is my html form <form action="" method="post" id="form"> <input type="text" placeholder="Name..." name="name"id="name&...
samucode's user avatar
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acton page with below php mysql form

i have small php mysql form with below code. both form and processing code on same page and its working fine too. But i want to use action in form tag, so that form can move to another page. and when ...
Student's user avatar
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Whenever I submit a user update form in my dashboard, my error array returns a flag for unchanged values

Currently working on a project that requires me to build an admin area for an admin to manage users and permissions. I'm using an array to return errors to admins if they submit duplicate data to ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Flask Form Authentication validation with MySQL database

Hi there good programmers. I am simply trying to take input from a register form, check and confirm them by validating them against MySQL-workbench database. NB, I am fairly new to Flask and python. ...
Motchello's user avatar
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Login page is accepting all emails and passwords including those not stored in the database. No restricted acess at all

I am working on a to-do app. I have already setup the signup and login page. Signup page is working perfectly as all details been inputed is already stored in the database(sql). The main challenge now ...
John's user avatar
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How to make sure checkbox was checked when we want to edit it

I am currently doing a website with PHP and HTML with connecting with mysql. I am struggling with the checked of the checkbox. The website is file management system where we can make a certain files ...
farah izzaty's user avatar

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