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how to get modified html input field in codeigniter php

i have a website in codeigniter php, i have a form inside it where user can add and edit products, everything is working fine, my edit product code is like below: View: <form action="" method="...
TBC's user avatar
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Get data from the same form registration in Codeigniter

Based on the picture, this is for student registration form. Father and mother information would be in student table. But for guardian information would be at guardians table. In the form registration....
hlzoic's user avatar
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CodeIgniter Login function form not working

I have sum up this is my code for my login function, I'm using CodeIgniter framework. I am trying to make users login with their email and password. I'm trying to use bcrypt hash password to login but ...
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Change select options based on another select

I have been recently experimenting with Php and CodeIgniter and created a simple project where you make an order. Now on the order form there are some options where the user selects what he/she wants ...
Nikos Kostis's user avatar
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Textarea content with programming code is not inserting in database

I am uploading articles using PHP, article containing the programming source code , when i write the code at the bottom of the article then data is inserting in database. But when i write more than ...
Saddam Azad's user avatar
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How to query one attribute of mySQL database and compare results to a form variable?

In my control page, I need to query my usersas6 table for all username entries and compare to $username from a form on my view page. The rest of the code is fine. I have tried this but I do not seem ...
PeteyM's user avatar
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How can I delete a selected row in a HTML table and also in MySQL by using CodeIgniter?

I am new to CodeIgniter. I have fetched data from MySQL and displayed it in a HTML table. Now I need to delete selected rows in MySQL. For example, assuming there are 10 rows in the table and each ...
Tamilselvan S's user avatar
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CodeIgniter - is_unique form validation rule not working right

I have a form I am trying to submit to my database. It works perfectly if don't use the is_unique validation rule. When I try to put this into my code I get an error saying that each field I try to ...
Travis Alexander Terrell's user avatar
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trying to add upload image in my form CI MySQL

I have form for input. Input for this form is quite complicated, because one form is submitted to more than three table in database. I want to add upload image in my form, but I don't know where ...
Kiki's user avatar
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Is there any security issue in using same name for textbox and table field?

Am using the same name for my table field and input text-box name in front end. Is it a good practice and is there any security issue here: Table userdetails: userdetails_firstname varchar(255) ...
mevr's user avatar
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Entries and specific comments mysql codeigniter

I'm having struggle since 2 days. I can't get the entry_id for each entry which get passed to the view by $post on my comment form. Is there a better solution to connect entries and the specific ...
Ifloop's user avatar
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Codeigniter update form does not submit

Codeigniter offers you a tutorial to get to know it and how to use it. This tutorial teaches you to create elements in a table in a database, but doesn't teach you how to update this elements. I am ...
Manu R's user avatar
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convert input date codeigniter to mysql [duplicate]

iam student have homework codeigniter. i want to creat form input student, and i have input date in that form. i used this code for input date: <input type="date" class="form-control" name="...
ara's user avatar
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Insert form inputs with the same input name into database rows using codeigniter

I have a form with similar form input name which I would like to insert into different rows of database table. But when I submit form, the inputs with similar form input name don't get inserted. Here ...
Focus Ifeanyi's user avatar
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Codeigniter 3.1.0 Active Record Update Query Neither Errors Nor Updates Database

Despite my best efforts at following the CI 3.1.0 documentation concerning standard CRUD update procedure, I'm never able to have the targeted db elements update with information entered into my edit ...
HomeOffice's user avatar

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