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Question on Returning a user-defined function (learning R from scratch)

I'm learning R programming from scratch on my own since September and I'm taking a free beginner course from Educative. In the session about creating a function and returning the output for other task,...
MCh2309's user avatar
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How can I write a function called update that allows me to update something in this dictionary?

I want to create a function called update in Python for a list dictionary but I don't have any idea how to do this. I tried to do reserch but the most common information shows how to do changes simply ...
Damian's user avatar
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Passing function with arguments as a prop and invoking it internally in React

I got a Badge component in my React app. The badge can be painted in different colors. In order to make it more universal i've decided to add a prop called getBadgeColor. The idea is to implement ...
wildfruit's user avatar
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Ovewriting wc_create_new_customer WooCommerce function to allow subscrtiption purchases from guests

In WooCommerce, I need to allow people to checkout without having to register for an account when they buy subscriptions. In Accounts & Privacy in WooCommerce admin section, I have only one option:...
MikeG001's user avatar
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tkinter images not opening in a function

I have a GUI class, and when you run it, it should open a toplevel tkinter window that has an image in it. This works when you simply run the class with test = GUI(), but when you run the class INSIDE ...
Hunter Davies's user avatar
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Triggering a Tracking Event from a MailChimp Embedded Form

I am trying to fire an event from an Amazon tracking pixel from a mailchimp embedded form as seen here: <!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form --> <link href="//
Justin Hopson's user avatar
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What's wrong with my Python Firebase Cloud Function?

When trying to deploy the function below I get the error: Build failed with status: FAILURE. Could not build the function due to a missing permission on the build service account. If you didn't ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Why isn't my simple conversion program working when i call a function within a function? [duplicate]

def rods_to_meters(rods): meters = rods * 5.0292#converts rods to meters and stores in appropriate variable. return(meters) def rods_to_feet(rods): feet = (rods * 5.0292) / 0.3048#...
swappr's user avatar
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Is there a way to declare an array = a function that returns an array? (c++) [duplicate]

Let's say I have a function that takes in an integer as an argument and returns an array that has all the digits of the integer separated as a 1D array (pseudocode): int separatingInt (int num) { ...
joler's user avatar
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how fit a polynomial function in gnuplot?

I've been stuck for one week in this problem and I don't know what function fits better with my data. I've used gnuplot to fit a function to my data. I've tried a lot of combinations of functions, for ...
Raveliux's user avatar
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How to apply a condition over a vector in R

i need to a particular type of substitution, infact i want to replace some blanks (" " characters) in a data frame with a random choice on the same column, given a certain condition (for ...
Iacopo's user avatar
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Passing array arguments back from Python functions

I’m writing code which does matrix operations in functions and I’m using numpy arrays to store my matrices. From reading books/ discussions on here I have got as far as understanding that scalar ...
Mike Gunn's user avatar
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Passing an Array of Objects returned from a fetch command back to the calling function (Django and JS)

I've spent days and days on this trying various techniques I have red on here and other forums but just cant get my head a round it. I've tried .map(), I've tried global variables, I've tried ...
Gidgey's user avatar
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Declaring Global variable inside of a function in C++ [duplicate]

I have a function inside a class. I want to declare about 10 global variables of different types: vector, queue, int, 2d-vector etc., How do I do this? Also I just cant declare the variables outside ...
Harsith R's user avatar
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explicit template function instantiation - Howto find the codepoints where it's been used?

I like to know how I can find the codepoints where an explicit instantiated template function is been used. template <typename T> RNNullableTyped<T> Get(const json::json &json); ...
Perry Rhodan's user avatar

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