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42 votes
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AWS Cognito's SMS Multi Factor Authentication returns invalid code or auth state

I am trying to implement authentication built on Cognito using their Go SDK. I have been able to get basic username/password authentication to work, but when I add in 2-factor authentication using SMS ...
Ben's user avatar
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Simplifying AWS SDK GO v2 testing/mocking

Amazon has a super useful article describing how to unit test AWS SDK Go v2. I understand their motivation to depart from the "old" way of unit testing the v1 API, which I think aligns with ...
Tim Reddy's user avatar
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How to interpret pprof output?

I'm trying to profile an application written in go which apparently uses about 256 virtual memory (checked using ps aux). I'm trying to use pprof package and see what functions allocate/consume most ...
Anthony Hunt's user avatar
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Using go.dbus with omxplayer on Raspberry Pi

I am trying to using the D-Bus interface on omxplayer in order to control the running video. I'm attempting this using the go.dbus library found here: The ...
Majormjr's user avatar
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Go autocert acme/autocert: missing server name

I use library autocert in my application for generating an SSL certificate. The problem is 30% of users have a problem with my application. My current code is: fmt.Println("Starting server on &...
Lorenzo Boniot's user avatar
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Blobstore upload redirects to wrong module

The Problem When uploading a file using the Go Blobstore API, the success path redirects to the wrong appengine module. Here is a more visual description of the problem: User lands on the upload ...
Jonathan Azoff's user avatar
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How to set fee in raw bitcoin transaction using btcutil

According to the docs ( the fee can be set by using SetTxFee(fee btcutil.Amount) // hard coded0.0006 BTC I set the fee to 0.0000016 bitcoin/kilobyte ...
Amidii's user avatar
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How to detect current terminal encoding and convert user input to and from utf8?

I am writing a golang command line program that accepts user input. This input string has to be converted to UTF-8 and sent to another server for processing. On Linux, the terminal encoding is almost ...
man3's user avatar
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Golang: create TCP 3-way handshake using ipv4.NewRawConn

I'm trying to successfully establish a TCP 3-way handshake. I want to be able to control the IP layer, ideally with Here's my Go program: package main import ( "...
mirobertod's user avatar
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x509.DecryptPEMBlock Deprecated

in go 1.16.3 this func "x509.DecryptPEMBlock" is Deprecated comments from go source Deprecated: Legacy PEM encryption as specified in RFC 1423 is insecure by design. Since it does not ...
akahhor's user avatar
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SetEvent state from golang to c (cgo)

I wrote DLL to handle my VSCAN communication in golang. I'm facing a really hard problem now. Is there any way to signal state from cgo to c/cpp program? I'm using a large CPP project, inside it calls ...
Frnk Wdl's user avatar
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output '_coverage/_coverage_report.dat' was not created when using bazel coverage to generate lcov coverage file

I am using bazel to manage our golang project and I found an option online that I can generate coverage html file by generating a lcov coverage.dat file first and then use genhtml to generate the html....
P Li's user avatar
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App doesn't resolve an internal DNS entry when connecting via Cisco IPSec

I use Cisco IPsec to connect to my workplace VPN. I connect using OS X's native Cisco IPSec client. We have an internal DNS server that holds records for internal sites, such as ...
reish's user avatar
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How do I include a wasm file compiled by golang in a chrome extension?

I've tried everything in here: Golang to wasm compilation And I can't get past: WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, {wasi_snapshot_preview1: ""}) WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, {go: {debug: &...
Andrew Arrow's user avatar
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Generate DWARF debug info in wasm binary from go?

I'm trying to generate a wasm binary with DWARF debugging info via (non-Tiny) Go. Despite many iterations with the build, gimli/dwarfdump keeps showing empty debug data sections (though it shows non-...
BobHy's user avatar
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