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Issue Passing Data to Angular Component - Some Input Properties are Undefined in One Instance data passed using Input-Output

I have an Angular component where I am passing multiple input properties and binding methods for event handling as shown below: <component [x]="x" [y]="y" [z]="z"...
AMIT's user avatar
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How to fix $injector:unpr Unknown Provider in AngularJS

I have an AngularJS application with ASP.NET. When I publish the application, and host in on local IIS, I get this error. In Web.config, in compilation tag when I set debug="true" the ...
Vladimir99's user avatar
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URI malformed issue from @angular-devkit's dependency library Vite

Just created new angular application (version - 17.3.9) using command ng new url-test-app then start application using command - npm start Now I navigate to http://localhost:4200 . It works fine Then ...
user1606761's user avatar
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ui-select Multiple Dropdown Search Input Spinner Not Showing

I am working with an AngularJS project, where I upgraded the library from ui-select2 to ui-select. After the upgrade, I'm having issues with the search input spinner not showing for multiple select ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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How to maintain query params when redirecting in Angular RoutingModule with redirectTo?

Summary I want to redirect in my Angular RoutingModule from one path to another while maintaining the query params. However, when the redirect completes, the query params are not present anymore. The ...
times29's user avatar
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Acquire token silent using MSAL v1 not working in my ANGULAR JS application

I am working on ANGULAR JS application with MSAL v1, how can i achieve to get token using acquire token silent ,in my enterprise system third party cookies are blocked in chrome i tried using MSAL v2 ...
Bhumika G C's user avatar
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Trying to assert a date format in Cypress that has white space

I am trying to write an assertion in my Cypress test that checks that the date format is mm/dd/yyyy. Right now, the assertion is failing and I think it's because there is white space at the start and ...
Cholis's user avatar
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Issue with Crawling Updated Table Data in a SPA with JavaScript

I'm developing a crawler for a service that is built as a Single Page Application (SPA). I am unsure whether the framework used is React, Angular, or something else. My crawler interacts with a table ...
majid 's user avatar
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ui-select Dropdown Always Sends 'true' to Backend Regardless of Selection

I am working on an AngularJS project and have upgraded the library from ui-select2 to ui-select. I am specifically working on a dropdown, so I had the ui-select2 dropdown: <select data-ui-select2=&...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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Angular Nested CDK Drag and Drop responsiveness issue

I have been scrapping together as much as I could trying to get this to work from everywhere on the internet but I have reached a point where I just don't know how to proceed. I am using Angular 18 ...
Jonacar's user avatar
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Angular Splunk Logging

I have an angular project developed that has a form to be submitted. I want to log the console.log statements in splunk to monitor application. I don’t have an nodejs mid tier, how can I log into ...
G Chaitanya's user avatar
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Google Ads conversion events seem to be firing on every page in a single-page application

I have integrated Google Ads conversion tracking in my AngularJS application. I have two simple conversion events that are being added to the DOM dynamically, each on a different page. Both of them ...
Luiza Davtyan's user avatar
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ui-select Dropdown filter Not Working properly

I'm working on an AngularJS project where I've upgraded from ui-select2 to ui-select due to security concerns. However, I've run into a couple of issues with the ui-select dropdown: Search Issue: The ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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How to correctly calculate canvas coordinates when scale is applied?

I am working on a canvas application and I want to add a zoom feature. However, I am struggling to draw pixels after any zoom thats greater than 1 is applied. It just draws the pixel on the place, ...
veud's user avatar
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Overlapping of the search icon with the loader

I'm working on an AngularJS project and have recently upgraded from ui-select2 to ui-select due to security concerns (XSS attacks). After this upgrade, I'm facing the following issues: Loader ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar

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