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Convert string to a dd/mm/yyyy date format no matter the strings format in JavaScript [closed]

I am trying to create a script in JavaScript where a user can enter a date, can be any format - such as: September 2021 - November 2024, 01/05/23 - 04/02/24, Sep 2021 - Jan 2024 The possibilities are ...
Phil Trevor's user avatar
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Regexp to select everything except the specified string [duplicate]

I want to write a regexp that selects everything except the given sequence. the sequence can be at the beginning of a word the sequence can be in the middle I was able to write something like this: (...
plpl's user avatar
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How to do a replace using regex of a sentence with variable content in the middle and the end containing "/" [duplicate]

I'm having difficulty replacing content where I only know the beginning and end, where it's also a problem to replace due to ("/"). This is the line of code I need to remove. <div class=&...
Luiz de Paula's user avatar
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Regex for monetary values incorrect matches

My regex should match monetary values, both in EU as US notation (thousands/decimal seperators different). Including optional minus sing ("-") and optional $ or euro sign before the minus ...
Maarten -Monica for president's user avatar
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How to Validate Phone Number with Country Code in HTML Form and Python? [closed]

I’m working on a web project where users need to enter their Zain Cash phone number, including the country code, in an HTML form. I’m facing an issue with validating this input. Here’s what I need ...
Imran Abu Saqer's user avatar
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Why do negated character classes in JavaScript Regular Expressions traverse newlines even with multiline mode disabled

Encountered a strange behaviour with negated charatcer classes traversing newlines without m/multiline provided. > node Welcome to Node.js v22.7.0. Type ".help" for more information. > ...
balupton's user avatar
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Regex for separating strings that include whitespace with commas [duplicate]

I'm trying to achieve something very simple. I'm writing a Tampermonkey script where I want to be able to input Test, test test, Test 1, T.est 2, te#st 3, test 4 and get as a result ["Test", ...
GrarrlMunch's user avatar
-1 votes
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std::regex is different than Javascript [duplicate]

I thought that std::regex was ECMAScript compatible. However, that does not seem to be true, at least not by default, e.g. The expression :user will match asd:user in Javascript but not with std::...
ronag's user avatar
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Javascript Regular Expression Not Failing When I Think It Should [duplicate]

My code: let g_Check = /^[a-z]+[a-z -.]{0,25}$/i; let bl = g_Check.test("abc*\"de"); // returns true, when I think it should return false because of the '*' and '\"' As you can ...
Rewind's user avatar
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How can i remove everything after the domain( [closed]

Im trying to remove everything that comes after the .eu The webpage is made in multiple sections and how u scroll u will notice the page is pulling sections. I would like to remove it but i dont know ...
Eric's user avatar
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convert JSON with a regex [duplicate]

{ "Id": 46, "Catnaam": "salontafels", "ParentId": 36, "Overzichtsafb": null }, { "Id": 47, "Catnaam": &...
Mobygo's user avatar
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Trying to assert a date format in Cypress that has white space

I am trying to write an assertion in my Cypress test that checks that the date format is mm/dd/yyyy. Right now, the assertion is failing and I think it's because there is white space at the start and ...
Cholis's user avatar
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Problem with javascript-regex matching, negative look-ahead inside a lookbehind

Given this string: ddd the ! key and the Javascript regex: / !(?<=(?!the)\w+ !)/ I want to know the reason why the regex does NOT fail. I expect the regex to fail matching, it doesn't, I don't know ...
bobby324's user avatar
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Is these two regex checker are different /\S+/g (capital "S") and /\s+/g? [duplicate]

function wordCount(val) { var wom = val.match(/\S+/g); return { charactersNoSpaces: val.replace(/\s+/g, '').length, characters: val.length, words: wom ? wom.length : 0, lines: val....
SUMIT KUMAR's user avatar
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Unable to group parts of the regex together to make the intended operator precedence explicit

I’m currently facing an issue with a regex that's causing problems in SonarQube, which requires grouping to make the intended operator precedence explicit. After grouping the regex, it’s not working ...
Aman Chitransh's user avatar

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