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Distinct for jsonb_path_query_array

Have some trouble with jsonb_path_query_array in pgsql. Is there a way to distinct values inside arrays? I have something like this select jsonb_path_query_array(public.table.column, '$.Idents.type' ) ...
Stanislav Muryndin's user avatar
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1 answer

Find index in map object using JavaScript

If we want to find index in array of objects, it's pretty simple. Example below let a = [ {prop1:"abc",prop2:"qwe"}, {prop1:"bnmb",prop2:"yutu"}, {prop1:&...
Aren Trot's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How parse json value into array with jq

I have this { "1": { "Split": { "result": "first_image" } }, "2": { "Split": { "result": "second_image" } } } I tried .[]...
user27354765's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Response object is not subscriptable [closed]

### # Added for reproducibility. from flask import Flask, jsonify import requests app = Flask('my_app') ### @app.route('/twoHourForecast') def get_twoHourForecast(): twoHourDataUrl = "https:/...
millionclones's user avatar
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json_encoded array ajax response interpreted as text [closed]

My ajax response seems to be interpreted as text even though the ajax request contains datatype: "json". My understanding is that header line in the php script below should have no effect, ...
David G.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Remove array from JSON when it appears

I receive a JSON and sometimes, not always, I can receive an array in "resources" instead of a single value. I need to always transform this to a single value, keeping only the first one. { ...
Sinuers's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL to JSON Need Bracket for Array that can have multiple rows

I'm trying to take a SQL query and turn it into JSON for an API call. I have two groupings that need to contain an opening and closing bracket [] because they can contain multiple rows. Those are ...
Kyle's user avatar
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1 answer

filter map objects using javascript

I have a map object with key value pair as shown below const input = new Map([ [ 0, { testErrorSummary: "ServiceC\nV4/\n\tcom.dmv.smp", appErrorSummary: '{&...
Aren Trot's user avatar
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0 answers

My json input contains object and arrays, how can I convert it into dataset

My json input contains object and arrays, how can I convert it into dataset? I referred existing stack overflow solutions but didn't find anything that works. Need help with the solution, available ...
user27102129's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Jolt concatenate array into a single JSON object

I am trying to flatten the following JSON : { "barcode": "7490b0d2-dfe5-4a21-bc21-02de587e2fe8", "containers": [ { "L_ID": "867bb595-d2a4-...
adnan hajar's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Getting unnecessary special characters in Url while encoding and decoding json with rawurlencode

I am trying to send JSON array of image URLs to a second page but my redirection URL has a lot of special characters which might be slashes, spaces, etc. I have tried both 'urlencode' and '...
Bilal Khan's user avatar
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4 answers

Change array of object value based on another array

const array1 = [ { id: "40", alias: "Number", name: "Number", }, { id: "41", alias: "Salary", name: "Salary", ...
Sameer's user avatar
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2 answers

Jolt spec to perform the grouping and remove the duplicate from nested json

Please help me in providing jolt spec or update the below tried jolt spec to get desired output json shown below I already posted the similar question but tried to solution but not able to remove the ...
Manjunath k's user avatar
-5 votes
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Fetch and build a 2 dimensional array from json response [duplicate]

I am trying to figure out how to build a 2 dimensional array from a JSON response using specifically the fetch and lambada techniques. I am trying to capture two fields out of the json response name....
David's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove duplicate from nested json array using jolt spec

please provide the jolt spec to get the desired output json below provided jolt spec is needs to updated to remove the dupicate inside the subitems array the input JSON : [ { "itemid": ...
Manjunath k's user avatar

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