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json to java pojo deserialization [closed]

I have JSON which I have to convert into a Java POJO. Here is the JSON: { "foreclosurePreferences": [ { "...
Subhendu Mahanta's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to parse incomplete/partial JSON in Java? [closed]

I’m working on a project where I receive partial JSON data in a stream, and I need to handle the gradual construction of the JSON object as the stream progresses. For instance, the JSON data starts in ...
Mr.LiuDC's user avatar
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@JsonRootName not working with @RequestBody

enter image description here I promise input json strings are same,but The Dto's Field around @RequestBody always null; version JDK8,17 springboot2.0,3.3 jackson 2.11,2.14 input strings { "user&...
K凯布利斯's user avatar
-3 votes
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The issue is with mapping objects to the model during deserialization [closed]

colleagues! I've encountered an issue with object mapping during deserialization. We have an interface Source, which is implemented by two classes (SimpleSource and ComplexSource). Instances of these ...
Vsevolod Rostovskiy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Serialize only specified fields/properties at serialization time [duplicate]

I have a POJO with lots of fields, like public class BigObject { private final int version; private final String name; private final SubObject subObj; private final Instant time; // ... } ...
EarthTurtle's user avatar
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How can I ignore a specific value of a property?

I'm trying to figure out how I can ignore a specific value of a property using Mixin. For example, there is a class: class MyClass { String name; } I want to use a MixIn to ignore names with a ...
Alena's user avatar
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Jackson serialize object property as escaped json string

I am trying to write a custom serializer to take a generic type, serialize it, and then add that json escaped as a string property. Example Having class MyClass( val value : AType ) //And AType ...
Roque Sosa's user avatar
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String Deserializes to null instead of Enum in Java Record [duplicate]

I'm trying to deserialize an enum from a json list. Here is my enum public enum ContactType { FAX, EMAIL, SOCIAL_MEDIA, WEBSITE, ADDRESS, PHONE } I have a ContactInfo ...
clattenburg cake's user avatar
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How to deserialize empty and null values of JSON in Jackson using not deprecated methods but overloaded variant that takes context argument?

I know about @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDeserializer.class) annotation on a field level. I have this CustomDeserializer: package
arServ's user avatar
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com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance of `javax.activation.DataHandler

`@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) public class MyDocumentServiceResponse { @JsonProperty("Status") protected String status; @...
mahesh chinta's user avatar
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Can't serialize json with one field as a Map<String, Double>

I have the following kotlin class: data class MyClass(private val myMap: Map<String, Double>, val defaultValue: Double) I don't have problems to deserialize it (to convert it from json string ...
Manuelarte's user avatar
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Jackson: cannot deserialize polymorphic object in submodule

I need to deserialize a json into an object of a child class. The json is deserialized using DebeziumSerdes, which in turn uses jackson at its core. However, I'm met with the exception: Caused by: com....
Minh Long Vu's user avatar
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JSON schema shared fields between multiple objects

I have the following schemas for JSON objects for some endpoints: { // "name": "Fido", "age": 5, "barkLoudness": 8, "treatsToday": 2 }...
EarthTurtle's user avatar
2 votes
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Different handling of null and absent value in json using jackson scala deserialization

I am deserializing json into Scala case classes using jackson and struggle with handling of optional attributes and default values, e.g. case class MyClass(val1: Option[String] = Some("default&...
ChristianK's user avatar
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2 answers

Jackson Deserialization - Treat specific string values as being null

I am working with an external API and have generated the Java client classes using the OpenAPI generator. One of the fields defined in the response is marked as being of a date type as shown below and ...
Leon's user avatar
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