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com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance of `javax.activation.DataHandler

`@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) public class MyDocumentServiceResponse { @JsonProperty("Status") protected String status; @...
mahesh chinta's user avatar
-1 votes
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Delete Method in CRUD operation in Spring Bo

I have been trying CRUD Operation for my spring boot. I have to delete the row by given name in delete() method. I need some guidance to get this working. I debugged the code but it returns 500 error ...
Maniverse's user avatar
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Consuming third party REST services in Java - Who provides the POJO classes?

I am a bit new to consuming third party rest APIs using Spring Boot and Java. I have experience consuming REST APIs we have developed internal to our organization. When consuming rest APIs internal to ...
Ping's user avatar
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Generate fake data into xml files based on xsd

I have an XSD file with a complex structure that is challenging to read directly. Using the JAXB-2 Maven plugin, I've generated POJO classes from this XSD. Now, I need to create a Java application ...
sof maz's user avatar
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Map JSON with multiple unknown fields to Java POJO

I am trying to map the below JSON to java POJO. Below is the JSON. { "customObject": { "value": { "config-1": { "configurationName": { ...
Naved Ali's user avatar
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How to debug the Kryo fallback in Flink?

I wonder which is the simplest way of troubleshooting/debugging what causes the Kryo fallback. Detecting it is just a matter of adding this line to your job: env.getConfig().disableGenericTypes(); or ...
salvalcantara's user avatar
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Java Pojos - Setter-Call (Field Touched) Detection

Pojos are often used as Models/DTOs for inserting/updating data into a database. They need to by validated (with a Validator) to make sure they only contain the expected fields for the use-case: ...
funkrusher's user avatar
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Why do we still need to implement 'noArgsConstructor' if Java gives a non-parameterized constructor by default?

In Spring boot if we are creating a POJO class and we end up creating only a parameterized constructor and not any default constructor then Java will throw errors, why does this happen if Java ...
Ananthu K Kumar's user avatar
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java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.Object[] java.util.Arrays$ArrayList.a accessible

I cannot make access to Java POJO in Visual Studio Code with Maven. OS : Windows 11 JDK : open-jdk 17.0.2 maven : apache-maven 3.9.6 apache flink : 1.18.1 (installed on WSL 2 ubuntu) visual studio ...
Joseph Hwang's user avatar
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How to get a number array from MongoDB to Java class with POJO?

So basically, I'm trying to get loc value from mongodb like this { _id: '01050', city: 'HUNTINGTON', loc: [ -72.873341, 42.265301 ], pop: 2084, state: 'VN' } But when I try to ...
Phạm Thế Mạnh's user avatar
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Multiple Inner classes POJO - Mongo DB

I am trying below way to deserialize documents being read from mongodb collections @Data @ToString(doNotUseGetters = true) @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) public class FileInfoObject { ...
Mrinal's user avatar
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Getting error as "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException" for API testing practice

Below is my main code. I am trying to do the end to end flow for POJO deserialization. I have created necessary getters and setters as well. I think access token is getting generated but after that it ...
Ansuman Prasad Pati's user avatar
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Apply Object Template To Object

I'm writing an application which at some point must build a configuration for a couple of components based on configuration parameters and some execution context. The input is a JSON (de-serialized ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Memory issues with XML-based spring configuration

I am creating a project for that I have tested both the XML-based spring configurations and Pure Java based configuration. My project is simple, it will listen on a RabbitMQ queue and perform an ...
Abhishek Goyal's user avatar
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SpringBoot + Java 17 @Valid not validating POJO

I was recently trying to learn Spring and Java 17 as I only have experience with Dropwizard and Java 11, and I would like to do validation on a POJO, in a POST or PUT request. I've encountered several ...
Dany's user avatar
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