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C# JObject arrives to the front as an empty list [duplicate]

I'm using jQuery Ajax to send a Newtonsoft object from a MVC controller task to the front, but I have been struggling a lot with it. For some reason the object arrives as an empty list I tried to ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Hot to count commas and separate it in an array?

I have a URL that responds with plain text: 2021-12-29,,,135,1, 2021-12-30,,,135,1, 2021-12-31,9999,,135,8, They are three registers: 2021-12-29,,,135,1, 2021-12-30,,,135,1, 2021-12-31,9999,,135,8, ...
Roby Sottini's user avatar
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CRUD Using JQuery and Ajax in ASP.NET Webform

I'm learn for CRUD using Jquery and Ajax in ASP.NET Webform but I'm stuck on delete and update function. For the insert function working properly, but for delete and update function is not working. l'...
TRI SETIA D's user avatar
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Bind jSon Data in HTML Table

I am trying to import excel data and finally bind it to HTML table. For now, it works but I made a slight change on the data bind and unfortunately unable to bind data as expected. Here's the code ...
AT-2017's user avatar
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ajax response of success function not working

I creates an Popup in core application to create and edit new customer by using ajax but when post the data, i get this error : {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: ƒ, getAllResponseHeaders: ƒ, ...
Mostafa Gamal's user avatar
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Escape special JSON characters on Razor page so that JSON.parse can be used with a date reviver

I’m using Asp.Net Core 3.1 MVC and am trying to serialize a model on a Razor page, but I need it to be encoded so that it will work with JSON.parse so that I can use a date reviver to convert date ...
Failwyn's user avatar
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Model binding is not able to bind string array when post as JSON object

I have the following jQuery extension to serialize form as Json object (function () { $.fn.serializeObject = function () { var o = {}; var a = this.serializeArray(); $....
LP13's user avatar
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"Type System.String is not supported for deserialization of an array" error using JSON.stringify

In response to a button click, I collect some user supplied data and pass it to a web method to process. When this mapping has simple variables, it works fine (int, string, etc.) but now I am adding ...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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Jquery Ajax asks to download JSON file instead of going into success block

I am trying to upload an excel file to database in MVC5, which happens successfully, it then should show the data that has been uploaded. I am doing both these actions in a single action method ...
user9057272's user avatar
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JObject parser stops executing without giving any output or error

I am trying to parse a JSON result from webapi with this code: var pemail = "[email protected]"; var _pid = GetRequest(Global.token, apiBaseUri, apiGetPerson +"?pemail="+ pemail).Result; var pid = ...
Hesoti's user avatar
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How to retrieve a session value from a generic handler, and use that value in IF statement of jquery?

I want to retrieve a session value that is Session["somename"] from a generic handler and then use that value in jquery if condition. I have looked at some of the questions that have been asked ...
user2227457's user avatar
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How to send a date to server in as JSON [closed]

Okay, i'm really confused about sending my date to server and receiving the data back. It just doesn't recognize it. How to 'post' my date if i already use 'get' method for getting a link for request?...
mel lu's user avatar
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Invalid Character using json

I read a record from my sql server database into a datatable. From there I use newtonsoft's JSON for .NET and run it through JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DataTable) I get the following json string ...
Carlos Mendieta's user avatar
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how do iterate through the hidden field value for each row in a table using jquery

i have a table which displays all users and the id for each user is stored in hidden field, i want to be able to get the value stored in the hidden on button click event using Ajax or Jquery. Code ...
UwakPeter's user avatar
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How to get values for a Drop Down menu based on the selection of another Drop Down

I am trying to populate a drop down list but based on the selection of another drop down (both values must be populated from Database). I have a carrier list, which I successfully managed to populate ...
Abdullah Basheer's user avatar

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