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MooTools and Array prototype

Mootools is overridding the Array prototype, and the problem is that this prototype and I have an external .js (a library that I can't modify manually) that iterates using for(i in someArray) and it ...
Tito's user avatar
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default values for nested javascript hashes

In JavaScript I want to do the following: var pi = {}; pi[0]['*']['*'] = 1; of course this throws a "Cannot read property '*' of undefined" error. Clearly I can define p[0] = {}, but that's kind ...
Sam Joseph's user avatar
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Prototyping "arguments" [closed]

Introduction We all know these silly arguments objects of JavaScript functions. But why object? Isn't it an array? No, it's not and that's why a lot people call it a failure in JavaScripts ...
Lars Knickrehm's user avatar
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Jquery, prototype, mootools and rails 3 fancy uploader

I'm using Rails 3.2.6 and trying to integrate Rails S3 Fancy uploader and I think it's probably a misunderstanding with how I'm using prototype, jquery, and mootools at the same time, or just ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
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visible word in a wordwrap element

in a long wordwrap element, is there any way to detect the left-top-most visible word? using span around each word or bunch of words is not really a good option as the text will be too long and ...
gcb's user avatar
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mootools's slideshow doesnt work when prototype.js is included in document [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Prototype / Mootools conflict question mootools's slideshow noobslide doesnt work when prototype.js is included in the document. Otherwise works fine! How do I resolve this ...
Rajat Gupta's user avatar
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mootools and prototype conflict

this is my code it keeps not work , if i remove the prototype script file , mootools work and if i remove the mootools prototype works !! this is code : <script type="text/javascript" src="js/...
Asem Khatib's user avatar
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Jquery, mootools and prototype in Joomla

Hi I need Mootools for my chronoforms, prototype for my lightbox 2 (I think) and maybe also some jQuery in the future. When I enable Mootools, lightbox 2 is not working in IE, when I disable it, ...
Ruben's user avatar
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Object-Oriented JavaScript tools

I have been working on the user interface of my website ( do use chrome to translate if you like to). Not being familiar with jQuery I started off with JavaScript and now the file is ...
Imran Omar Bukhsh's user avatar
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What exactly is DOM Extension / Wrapping?

I have 2 main questions. Does extending things like Object count? What is DOM wrapping? After reading that article I couldn't find ...
McKayla's user avatar
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javascript: Which is the powerful Javascript - Framework to fulfill my needs [closed]

I am building an application which uses Following features in it. Popup Window Transition effects. Heavy contents in popup Window(like thousands of tags). Pipelining for client server communication.(...
Vinay Jeurkar's user avatar
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Lightweight MVC framework for JavaScript [closed]

I had a look at Backbone.js and while it's a great product, I don't like the binding to jQuery/Zepto for Controller navigation. I know that I can use things like Models/Collections in Backbone ...
Art's user avatar
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jquery,prototype,mootools altogether in magento

I have got a template which is really nice with great Ui. But they used jquery and mootools without any prob. And now i incorporate that one with magento but i have the prob with prototype. Is it ...
Elamurugan's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to remove mootools namespace pollution?

A clientside javascript library I've developed uses objects as hashes in some areas. It loops through objects parsed from Json data with a loop using the property name as a key. eg... (...
Andru's user avatar
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XML with Prototype and Moo Tools

Is there any library to handle easily Xml with Prototype or Mootools?
owk's user avatar
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