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Shopify's Theme Template Implementation

I was intrigued by Shopify's theme editor and wanted to mimic it myself. The point of confusion I'm experiencing is how quickly the content in the preview area responds to changes when I modify the ...
user1434702's user avatar
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Expo AuthSession not closing when receiving redirectUri on Android

I am developing an ecommerce app for a client and I have had trouble with the authentication process for the application, but only on the Android platform as everything already works as expected on ...
Abraham Guerrero's user avatar
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How to print dataLayer created by events in Shopify's Customer events?

I use Shopify's Customer Events to track eCommerce. However, I encounter a problem when I cannot see dataLayer as it is when certain events from the Customer Events trigger, so I don't know what ...
Djordje Pejic's user avatar
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Shopify API for Currency conversion

I'm building a Shopify app and need to implement currency conversion for various international currencies. I'm looking for an API that provides accurate and reliable exchange rates with good uptime. I ...
Manthan Kanani's user avatar
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Price rules are not being applied to cart in shopify line item

I currently have added a price rule to shopify via the post method. const title = body.get("title"); const price_rule = new{session: session}); price_rule....
FabricioG's user avatar
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Contextual Save Bar not closing after redirecting from Create/Edit page to List page in React

I have a React application with three main components: a List Page, a Create/Edit Page, and a Contextual Save Bar. Everything is working as expected, except for one issue with the save bar. The ...
Mazumder's user avatar
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Website domain has been added to blacklist? [closed]

We use REST api to connect to shopfiy and that has suddenly stopped today, it is resulting in a timeout. I think our ip address has been blacklisted. Is there somewhere I can check this at Shopify? I ...
Youri's user avatar
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Shopify Contact Form Custom Validation Messages

I would like to add custom validation messages to Contact form. For example instead of default "Please fill out this field", I want to put "Please enter first name", "Please ...
user20719's user avatar
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Show Product Metafield on Collection Page or Home Page

I want to display a product metafield on a collection page or home page. Here is an example: And I want to display the metafield under the Product Price. I've already tried it with "product....
PhilT's user avatar
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How to add a Discount input in Cart page on Shopify (Allow for Discount combinations)

By default, there is no discount input field on the cart page. I attempted to add a custom input form with the action set to "/discount/YOUR_CODE". However, when I try to apply two different ...
Min05's user avatar
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Shopify Theme App Extension App Block Position

I'm currently displaying an app block on the product page using the Theme App Extension through Blocks -> BundleBlock.liquid, and it works fine on the product page. Now, I want to make this app ...
Mozumder's user avatar
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Shopify GraphQL API Pagination Stuck in Infinite Loop with Same `endCursor`

I am working with Shopify's GraphQL API to paginate through all orders using a cursor-based pagination approach. The query successfully fetches orders in batches, and I can see the correct endCursor ...
Nirmal Sankalana's user avatar
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How to reintialize Product media gallery functionality on Shopify Dawn theme when the gallery is reloaded via AJAX

I'm reloading product info and gallery parts via Ajax on product page. After the reload I reinitialize some custom JS that I've written and it works but I'm having trouble to reintialize standard ...
Mantas's user avatar
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Disable Shopify Add to Cart button based on metafield value

I have a boolean variant metafield which when set to "True" on a variant, and this variant is selected, changes the price element to a placeholder text showing "POA". I would also ...
Christopher Devlin's user avatar
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Shopify: Getting "Payment Gateway is Invalid" Error in checkout complete API

We have a Shopify store and its website is already live. Customers can make the orders there and do the payment successfully. Now We are building a mobile app and using Shopify backend APIs to show ...
Shailendra Singh Chauhan's user avatar

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