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Rendering elements in a CollectionView that is within a custom element

I'm currently trying to create a custom CollectionView element that has the first row frozen, so the user can see the first entry when scrolling down. After some trial and error, I concluded that the ...
Fopoki's user avatar
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Problem with displaying text and elements in Xamarin Forms on the smartphone and emulator screen

I encountered an issue with Xamarin Forms where not all text is displayed in the label, and elements that are off-screen are not shown. Rotating the smartphone temporarily resolves the issue until the ...
N44's user avatar
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Working with Maui .Net, I need create a Mac Catalyst App and open WhatsApp web in a web view

WhatsApp web never load the QR Code for scan. In the output console I have the error: **Cannot store WebCrypto master key, error -34018 ** All the features for enable javascript in the web view are ...
Gregory De Mota's user avatar
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UWP Project in Xamarin Forms Works on C Drive Only in VS 2019

If I create an empty Xamarin Forms project on the C drive, the UWP empty GUI opens. If the solution is created on any other drive get an Exception in System.Private.CoreLib.dll. Cannot get the symbols ...
Me2's user avatar
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VS 2022 Cannot running emulator for API 34 / 35

My VS 2022 cannot start any emulator above API 33 (such as 34, 35). Anything below API 34 working fine. API 34 Emulator show only blank screen as below And API 35 indicate error button on the ...
Yohanes AI's user avatar
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How to install an APK file from another app

I'm trying to design a simple app that launches installation of a previously download apk file (for update purpose of another app). This app has one button to launch the update. Here is what i found ...
Alexus's user avatar
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.png file failed to compile in C#.NET project (Xamarin/.NET MAUI). Error APT2098

I am testing a .NET MAUI project for mistakes and it failed to compile some images although they live in a similar root directory orca_composer_divider_horizontal.9.png: Error APT2261 : file failed to ...
Noobie_learning's user avatar
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Xamarin ios push notification not working

I have a problem with push notifications on a xamarin project situation: I have a working xamarin android / ios code with bundle id I have to republish the same app with a different ...
Vice95's user avatar
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Hot Reload not working after upgrading xamarin.form 4.6 to

I have upgraded xamarin.form version 4.6 to I am using VS 2022 I enable hot reload in vs, shown in image When I make any changes. In output window of (Xamarin hot reload) showing statement ...
Kirti Zare's user avatar
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22 views HCE ProcessCommandApdu is not work

`I get the id of the Mifera classic card with NFC and I aim to make my phone act like this card id using hce. But ProcessCommandApdu is not work. 1-I open NFC and read the Mifera card from my phone 2-...
elif şahin's user avatar
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Trying to install Maui on Mac: How can I solve the .Net workload version 8.0.401-baseline.24412.2 not found problem?

I'm trying install the maui workload along with the .net workloads on Mac using the terminal, and I keep getting this problem of Unhandled exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Workload version ...
Esra's user avatar
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Xamarin Asking Permission Dialog not pop up in Android API 33

I have an issue for Xamarin App. The problem is about the dialog for asking permission. With the same code, for API 33 the dialog is not showing. But for API 31 it appears. PermissionStatus ...
Yohanes AI's user avatar
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Issues with Uploading Large Files using HttpClient in MAUI App – Getting Bad Request (400)

I'm facing an issue with uploading large files (over several MB) using HttpClient in a MAUI app. While the same server and client code work perfectly in other environments, I'm encountering a 400 Bad ...
peter70's user avatar
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How to get APK approve when implement read contact list from device?

My application not approve when get contact from contact list. used this method for access contact list from mobile device. try { ContractEntity objContractEntity1 = new ContractEntity(); var ...
Rakesh Madheshiya's user avatar
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Can't distribute archived apk

This used to work, but now I have to update my old Android app for target level 34. I built it and archived it. I select the proper archive, and I'm able to hit Distribute ..., but it just blinks ...
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