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Archive times for a Mac Catalyst app suddenly jumped from 1 minute to 60 with Xcode 16

Regular builds are exactly the same as before, but since I updated to Xcode 16 my archive time has gone up to over an hour. It seems to get stuck on compiling swift source files, but it lumps them all ...
Toby Evetts's user avatar
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The archive did not include a SYM for the Razorpay.framework with UUIDs. Ensure that archive's SYM folder includes DWARF file for Razorpay.framework

I have tried this: My podfile code: bitcode_strip_path = `xcrun --find bitcode_strip`.chop! def strip_bitcode_from_framework(bitcode_strip_path, framework_relative_path) framework_path = File....
Chetan's user avatar
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why my posts in archive page doesn't have any link [closed]

While I was designing the archive page with elementor, after finishing the design, I clicked on one of the posts on the archive page to test it. The text is linked to the same page I was on. I want ...
mahan Shojaei's user avatar
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Idea to provide a read only archive of old e-mail accounts [closed]

We recently had a long term employee leaving the company with 30 GB of emails on Google Workspace, because we have merged other leaving employees' mailbox to this last employee. Long story short, this ...
Max13's user avatar
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How can I run an Irfanview batch script in a for loop inside a .bat file?

I'm trying to write a .bat file that will extract all .cbz archive files in current directory convert all jpgs in the resulting directories into pngs with a max width/height of 750/560, by using an ...
Esn024's user avatar
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Archive scrape api query params

When I explore the archive website, I can see the Books category, How can I use scrape api to scrapy all books from archive. And when I use the scrape api, the response columns cannot match the ...
仲启超's user avatar
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Can't distribute archived apk

This used to work, but now I have to update my old Android app for target level 34. I built it and archived it. I select the proper archive, and I'm able to hit Distribute ..., but it just blinks ...
fbs419's user avatar
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Is it possible to create multiple compressed resources with maven?

I was working on a Maven mini project in which at some point I need to create multiple compressed files in gzip (.jgz). For this I used the maven-assembly plugin, but I can only create one archive at ...
EdMkn's user avatar
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Properly archive a web page for future use

I've already looked at a lot of the existing archiving tools, yet I have not found any one which does the following: Load the page with JavaScript enabled Save the DOM to a single file and embed all ...
piegames's user avatar
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Batch script to unarchive multiple archives using 7zip [closed]

I'm trying to unarchive a lot of archives in a folder. I'm trying to archive them just outside, without making a folder per archive. I'm using this code @echo off setlocal rem Set the path to the 7-...
JeFawk's user avatar
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Invoke Powershell to zip Archive a folder from C# app with native progress UI

The Compress-Archive command was found in the module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive, but the module could not be loaded.For more information, run Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive. I'm trying ...
mdb's user avatar
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Unable to create framework in Xcode 15 with Objective-C throwing error "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code"

I am trying to create objective C Network framework using Xcode 15 with minimum supported iOS version 14.0. Here are the steps I am following: I created New> Project> framework> Objective C&...
Priyanka Wadher Mistry's user avatar
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How do I insert data on DELETE into a different database?

My table holds material details in Material.db. Once the material is processed its details are deleted and new material details inserted. Before deleting I want this data stored in archive database ...
user3273723's user avatar
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How to Install rgdal in R version 4.4.1?

I would like to install rgdal but my numerous attempts have failed so far. I was trying to download the package using the archive . I have tried ...
user25695353's user avatar
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Golang archive/zip silent error zipping last file

Using go 1.21.4 windows/adm64 I'm experiencing an interesting issue when trying to zip files using go's archive/zip library. Files are all written to the archive, but Windows reports that the zip file ...
Stuart's user avatar
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