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How to retrieve "views in the past 60 minutes" using YouTube API? [closed]

I am trying to retrieve the "views in the past 60 minutes" data for a live video, similar to what is shown in the YouTube Studio analytics dashboard under the "past 60 minutes" ...
e shore's user avatar
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Google Cloud APIs Quota Circumvention via multiple projects [closed]

How do I use all projects in Google Cloud to perform one task and benefit from all queries in all projects? For example: Use all projects and their share to download a larger number of videos Note: I ...
فيصل العراقي's user avatar
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Is it possible to fetch all youtube clips generated from a LiveBrodcast, given its VideoId?

After a user has authenticated using OAuth, a server can fetch their recent LiveBroadcasts using the Youtube API (in my case I am using Java, but this is true to all implementation as far as I can ...
Tomer Shahar's user avatar
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Can the [custom_id] field that is available in reports be retrieved via any YouTube API?

I'm trying to get metadata for all my clips on platform including the [custom_id] field. This field is available from the standard YouTube video and asset summary reports but rather than downloading ...
Sarina Salim's user avatar
-4 votes
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How do you get all of the community posts in the youtube API? [closed]

I see no way of interacting with older community posts or community posts in general within the API. Old posts are not visible even in the youtube page.
Cobalixe's user avatar
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Youtube API - requesting movie price

Is it possible to request the actual movie prices on Youtube through the api? If not, how can I get them if scraping is not allowed? This is a real bummer for me personally and I want to try to ...
MountMatze's user avatar
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How to fetch the youtube data using channel id? [closed]

I need to fetch video id, title and description for n items using the below code but it doesn't fetch any results as part of the search response. I tried the url manually via curl and it fetches the ...
selvi's user avatar
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@types/youtube, reference error:YT is not defined

i'm trying to use typescript in sveltekit to implement a youtube API. I'm using @types/youtube, hoping that I can get better results getting the video to work by passing the URL and get videoDuration. ...
Tay tyty's user avatar
2 votes
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YouTube Caption Scraper Randomly Fails with "Could not find captions for video"

I'm trying to grab YouTube video captions using the youtube-captions-scraper package. Most of the time, it works perfectly, but sometimes it fails with the following error: Could not find captions for ...
Ashit Vora's user avatar
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YouTube Analytics API - Get yt videos that are traffic source for my video

In YouTube Studio UI it's possible to get Traffic source -> Proposed videos and here you can see list of videos that were played before your video. You can download .csv with it. When trying to do ...
Analytics's user avatar
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YouTube API upload no response (nodejs)

I am using the googleapis npm package, as described in the official documentation. However, in both cases (using the insert function with callback AND using the insert function as an asynchronous ...
vaughngx4's user avatar
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Automatically turn screen to fullscreen

I'm making an autoplay system, and I need to start the video in autoplay. The problem is that the browser blocks anyway, as there was no interaction with the user. I'm using planda player api, vue-...
eduardo's user avatar
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Youtube Data API v3 Captions - Download broken

After trying to get download SRT files from our videos via this API for 2 days, I think there is something broken with the captions API. So to keep things as simple as possible, we tried getting it ...
theSchticklerz's user avatar
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How can I retrieve Youtube Clip info from the Youtube API?

I'm trying to get a similar response to Videos: list endpoint of the Youtube API, but for youtube clips instead of videos. The data I'm looking for specifically is title, views, uploader, thumbnail, ...
slink58's user avatar
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Trouble Retrieving YouTube Channel Report with Google Analytics API: 403 Forbidden Error

I want to generate a report for a YouTube channel for which I have administrator access, using the Google Analytics API. (I'm not channel owner.) However, when executing the following code in GAS, I ...
user27248109's user avatar

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