Set in futuristic word in which the highest authority has been usurped by a figure currently knows only as the "Overlordess", leader of a psionic faction currently ruling over all major continents. However, a rebel organisation plots her downfall and therefore sends a small strike force in order to take her down. This results in their struggle through a facility filled with deadly traps, and if that wasn't enough they are also forced to face their foe in battle. This is going to be a bloody fight for either side...

Overlordess: One player takes over this powerful being. Their role is to weaken their adversaries using a system of "dynamic traps" (placable anywhere) and "static traps" (previously prepared on the map) and then best in combat. Perfect role for those who prefer to rely on their own skills rather than their team's performance.

Rebels: A group split into different classes which relies solely on their cooperation skill to survive and take down their enemy. To succeed in their endeavours they carry specialised equipment to counter anything that their foe can throw at them.

* Fifteen dynamic traps placeable anywhere
* Custom weapons for both sides
* Map stages with requiring different objectives to be completed in order to progress
* An original setting backed by in-depth lore.
* Easy-to-make static traps create boundless opportunities for mappers
* Automatic and controllable sentry guns provide fire support against rebel forces
* Up to four classes allow every player to select their own style of play

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Gameplay video

Recently I had the opportunity to introduce the mod to 4 newbies: Tokiw, Ingi, Wezzlok & DecreeB (great thanks to all of them for trying it out!). Unfortunately, I forgot that Fraps works better when you actually press the record button, and in the end had to record the clips from a Source demo. In result the clip below lacks the Ov trap placement UI.

Play with the dev

As of now there aren't any servers around, nor can I actually host one. Additionally, not everyone might be able to convince friends to try it out, especially since a local server might be a bit of a hassle. But! If there's someone out there interested in trying it out I'm hoping to host some gaming sessions, preferably on weekends, to let you see what the mod is like. If you'd like to join send me a message on Moddb with a link to your Steam profile & timezone, if we get some people I will organise a group for that.

Future release

Although I didn't really plan on any future releases, I will do a bit of a bugfix & balancing patch to address the biggest issues that popped up during our latest gameplay run. So yeah, I might've broken all the promises regarding release dates, but at least I'm also breaking promises about not supporting the mod. :P

Perpetual Early Access release

Perpetual Early Access release

News 9 comments

Release of the latest version of the mod together with full source code & map sources.

Overlordess August Update

Overlordess August Update


This month's report on the progress with a render showing all the newest traps.

Overlordess June/July Update

Overlordess June/July Update

News 3 comments

We've got a pile of traps for you! And a short progress update on what we're doing.

Overlordess April 2011 news

Overlordess April 2011 news

News 1 comment

A summary of what's been happening with some basic news as well as what's coming in the near future.

RSS Files
Ov Alpha Release #2

Ov Alpha Release #2

Full Version

Release with some balance changes, fixes for issues & map changes.

Ov Alpha Release

Ov Alpha Release

Full Version

First (and probably only) release of the mod. Alpha version.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 50)
Yamorimlo - - 42 comments

I definitely play it when some servers get up/a play with dev version happens!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
VodkaBottle - - 26 comments

No servers?

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Revendel Creator
Revendel - - 62 comments

Unfortunately not, can't host one myself at the moment. BUT a couple of people from my friends list are interested in playing the mod. If that works out I'm thinking of just getting people from Moddb interested in playing and hosting some "Play with the dev" session, where everyone can just bash me about bugs, imbalance and problems in the mod, until I've fixed them. :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
hobofrom - - 98 comments

fat man ur

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
Revendel Creator
Revendel - - 62 comments

Wish I were... I wish I were...

Reply Good karma+3 votes
GamerDude27 - - 945 comments


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Revendel Creator
Revendel - - 62 comments

What do you mean? Something more besides the latest one?

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TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

Looks like the one player gets to be like Alma in FEAR.

Thus, I want to play this mod very much.

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ThrillerProd - - 173 comments

It's really a cool concept !!
Tracking !

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Keneticlopx - - 8 comments

Reminds me of Zombie Master and looks like deathrun. Not a bad thing though, looks great. (also Zombie master is dead, so...keep it alive)

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Ninto55 - - 9 comments

Agreed it seems very similar to Zombie Master. Zombie Master seems more fun though as this just looks like a bunch of traps. I'll still try it though because the ZM server I play on went down, it was one off the last 24/7 fun maps servers.

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