7 Days to Die Wiki
.44 Magnum
"Go ahead, make my day"
Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Ammo/Weapons
Category Ranged Weapon
Type Handgun
Loot Container
Gear Slot
Related Attribute Agility
Related Perk(s)
Related Perk Book(s)
Block Properties
Hit Points
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support
Light Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Damage 44MagnumBullet65/68.3/71.5/74.8/78/81.3
Power Attack Entity Damage
Block Damage 44MagnumBullet12/12.6/13.2/13.8/14.4/15
Power Attack Block Damage
Range 70
Effective Range 27
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Minute
Rounds per Minute 100
Reload Time 4 s
Ammo Type 44MagnumBullet .44 Magnum Bullet
44MagnumBulletAP .44 Magnum Bullet (AP)
44MagnumBulletHP .44 Magnum Bullet (HP)
Magazine Size 6
Stamina Usage
Power Attack Stamina Usage
Damage Multiplier: Earth
Damage Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Stone
Damage Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool No
Butcher Damage Multiplier
Butcher Resource Multiplier
Disassemble Tool No
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Properties
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Elemental Protection
Effect Protection
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Noise Increase
Consumption Effects
Effect on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Effect on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Health
Cure Percentage
Buff Effect
Buff Duration
Dysentery Chance (%)
Characteristic Properties
Durability 400
Degradation per Use 1
Mod Slots
Mod Type
Compatible Mods
  • Barrel
  • Side
  • Small Top
  • Special Damage
Repaired Using Repair Kit
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Sell: 200
Buy: 3000
Max Stack 1
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scrappable Yes
Scraps into Handgun Parts
Meltable No
Combustible No
Burn Time
Farming Properties
Crop produced
Seed used
Time to grow
Obtainable Through Crafting, Looting, Trading

.44 Magnum is an Agility-based Tier 2 Handgun succeeding the Pistol and preceding the .44 Desert Vulture in 7 Days to Die.

In-Game Description[ | ]

The .44 Magnum is the king of handguns. It's the most powerful but makes the most noise. Wield this bad boy and make Clint proud.

Repair with a Repair Kit.
Scrap to Handgun Parts.

Overview[ | ]

The .44 Magnum is a short to medium range double action revolver which can be found throughout the world, more often at Shotgun Messiah Gun Stores or crafted. This weapon requires the .44 Magnum Bullet and will hold six cartridges. It can be reloaded manually at any time using the reload key (defaults to R) provided the magazine is not full.

Combat[ | ]

The .44 Magnum is powerful Weapon that can easily dispatch the toughest Zombies with ease. At close range, it typically only takes a single shot to the head to kill non-Feral or -Radiated tough zombies, and one shot to the body to kill non-Feral or -Radiated normal zombies. It comes with several major drawbacks however:

  • 1) It delivers a very loud report, attracting nearby zombies to the source
  • 2) The ammunition it uses is quite rare, which compels its users to obtain a Workbench to craft the ammunition
  • 3) It only holds 6 cartridges in its cylinder at a time and subsequently requires frequent reloading
  • 4) Fairly long reload time of 4 seconds

All of the drawbacks above makes the .44 Magnum unsuitable for crowd control, especially Blood Moon Hordes. But because of its high alpha damage, players focused on a stealth build (Hidden Strike and From The Shadows) can use the Silencer Mod to quietly clear out a Point of Interest (POI) without being overwhelmed, even mid tier POIs on high difficulty settings.

Compatible Mods[ | ]

Crafting[ | ]

Required Items[ | ]

{{{nameresult}}}{{{imageresult}}}{{{yield}}}{{{time}}}Handgun Parts1Forged Steel10Duct Tape3Scrap Polymers10Spring5Handgun Magazine232630343811{{{skill}}}{{{skillmod}}}{{{perkbook}}}{{{schematic}}}Workbench{{{implement}}}{{{inventorycraft}}} |style="padding: 7px"| |Item missing!

.44 Magnum Recipe
Item Name Count
Item Name Count
Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5 Quality 6*

Craftingclock 02:41

HandgunParts Handgun Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6
IngotSteel Forged Steel 10 20 30 40 50 60
DuctTape Duct Tape 3 6 9 12 15 18
ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers 10 20 30 40 50 60
Spring Spring 5 10 15 20 25 30
Unlock Options
BookHandgunMagazine Handgun Magazine */100 23 26 30 34 38
And having read
Schematic  Schematic
Crafted in
NewWorkbench Workbench

The recipe above contains the Resources/Magazines needed for each Quality level of the .44 Magnum.
A higher Quality item may provide better stats at the cost of increased material and unlock requirements.

* Crafting quality 6 items also requires 1 Legendary Part, which has been excluded from this table for brevity.

Repair[ | ]

The condition of a .44 Magnum deteriorates with each use until eventually it will stop working and will need to be repaired. This can be done using a Repair Kit.

Notes[ | ]

  • Revolvers are popular guns that tend to appear in many television programs, films, and video games of the zombie survival genre. AMC's The Walking Dead popularized this trend, as the main protagonist's preferred weapon of choice is a Colt Python, and it is possible that said trend influenced the creation of the .44 Magnum in 7 Days To Die.
  • It is possible to fire a .44 Magnum quickly enough to make the second shot fire as the gun recoils from the first shot, although the second bullet will be shot up into the air.
  • Although the .44 Magnum has a higher max and effective range than the .44 Desert Vulture, the difference is too insignificant to warrant using the .44 Magnum over the Desert Vulture.
    • The base damage of a quality 1 Desert Vulture is equivalent to that of a quality 6 .44 Magnum with HP ammo loaded.

Videos[ | ]

.44 Magnum Guide

44MagnumBullet .44 Magnum Bullet · 44MagnumBulletAP .44 Magnum Bullet (AP) · 44MagnumBulletHP .44 Magnum Bullet (HP) · 762mmBullet 7.62mm Bullet · Ammo762mmBulletAP 7.62mm Bullet (AP) · Ammo762mmBulletHP 7.62mm Bullet (HP) · 9mmBullet 9mm Bullet · Ammo9mmBulletAP 9mm Bullet (AP) · Ammo9mmBulletHP 9mm Bullet (HP) · ExplodingArrow Exploding Arrow · ExplodingCrossbowBolt Exploding Crossbow Bolt · FlamingArrow Flaming Arrow · FlamingCrossbowBolt Flaming Crossbow Bolt · IronArrow Iron Arrow · IronCrossbowBolt Iron Crossbow Bolt · AmmoRoboticTurret Robotic Turret Ammo · AmmoJunkTurretAP Robotic Turret Ammo (AP) · AmmoJunkTurretShell Robotic Turret Ammo (Shell) · RocketFragAlpha20 Rocket Frag · RocketHEAlpha20 Rocket HE · AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug Shotgun Breaching Slug · ShotgunShell Shotgun Shell · ShotgunSlug Shotgun Slug · SteelArrow Steel Arrow · SteelCrossbowBolt Steel Crossbow Bolt · Arrow Stone Arrow · CrossbowBolt Stone Crossbow Bolt ·

Weapons Melee

BaseballBat Baseball Bat · BoneShiv Bone Knife · Candycaneclub Candy Cane Club · Candycaneknife Candy Cane Knife · Fist Fists · HuntingKnife Hunting Knife · IronKnuckles Iron Knuckles · Sledgehammer Iron Sledgehammer · IronSpear Iron Spear · KnuckleWraps Knuckle Wraps · Machete Machete · PipeBaton Pipe Baton · RoboticSledge Robotic Sledge · SteelClub Steel Club · SteelKnuckles Steel Knuckles · SteelSledgehammer Steel Sledgehammer · SteelSpear Steel Spear · StoneSledgehammer Stone Sledgehammer · StoneSpear Stone Spear · StunBaton Stun Baton · WoodenClub Wooden Club ·


44DesertVulture .44 Desert Vulture · Ak47 AK-47 Machine Gun · AutomaticShotgun Auto Shotgun · Blunderbuss Blunderbuss · CompoundBow Compound Bow · CompoundCrossbow Compound Crossbow · DoubleBarrelShotgun Double Barrel Shotgun · HuntingRifle Hunting Rifle · Crossbow Iron Crossbow · GunRifleT2LeverActionRifle Lever-Action Rifle · M60MachineGun M60 Machine Gun · MarksmanRifle Marksman Rifle · GunMGT0PipeMachineGun Pipe Machine Gun · GunHandgunT0PipePistol Pipe Pistol · GunRifleT0PipeRifle Pipe Rifle · GunShotgunT0PipeShotgun Pipe Shotgun · Pistol Pistol · PrimitiveBow Primitive Bow · PumpShotgun Pump Shotgun · RoboticsTurret Robotic Turret · A13RocketLauncher Rocket Launcher · MP5 SMG-5 · SniperRifle Sniper Rifle · TacticalAssaultRifle Tactical Assault Rifle · WoodenBow Wooden Bow ·
