Showing posts with label Charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charity. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2023

Pinktober 2023 Update

As we bid farewell to the month of October, it's time to conclude the #Pinktober2023 campaign for this year. Let's take a look at its impact and success.

Over the entire month, we were dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer. Whether through our live streams on Twitch or the reminders on our social media, we aimed to keep our community informed. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in this year's campaign, whether by tuning in to our broadcasts or sharing kind messages on social media using the special paint jobs from the DLCs. These seemingly small steps play a crucial role in the ongoing battle against this dangerous disease.

Thanks to the incredible support from the #BestCommunityEver, the total amount raised from the sales of the Pink Ribbon paint job packs is a staggering 55,000 USD! This sum is truly remarkable, and we extend our gratitude to each and every one of you. We believe that contributing the entire amount to the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer will make a significant difference to those in need.

However, let's not forget that supporting such causes can be a year-round commitment. While donations are crucial, there are various ways to join the fight. Spreading awareness and reminding your loved ones about the importance of regular health checks matter the most. Our health should always be a top priority, and these are messages we should all keep in mind.

A heartfelt thank you for your unwavering effort and support!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Humble Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle

On the 6th of February 2023, a devastating Earthquake struck southern and central Turkey, as well as northern and western Syria. This awful event has caused a catastrophic loss of life and devastation to many homes, towns, and cities, which has displaced millions of people across both regions.

To assist with the relief and rescue efforts of this terrible disaster, we have joined forces with other great game developers and Humble Bundle to release a special Turkey & Syria Relief Bundle. 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase go directly to helping those affected and includes 70 gaming titles worth over $1000.  

Humble selected three charities to be part of the bundle. These charities have focused efforts in Turkey and Syria, in directly helping those displaced and affected by these terrible events. 

Direct Relief is deploying medical supplies from its facilities in the U.S. and Europe for Turkey and Syria. More than 22 tons of medical aid has been staged or is being shipped for Turkey and Syria since the earthquake began. The organization has also committed $3 million in financial support for response efforts.

International Medical Corps responded immediately to the Disaster. They coordinated with local health authorities to address critical gaps in services and enable functional healthcare facilities to rapidly scale up their care for communities, dispatching medical supplies, consumables, pharmaceuticals, and non-food items to support healthcare facilities and people.

Save The Children is coordinating closely with local partners on the ground, including Turkish Red Crescent and Support to Life, to distribute tents, hygiene kits, clothing, heaters, blankets, and other essential items. In addition, their Emergency Health Unit (EHU) provides life-saving healthcare in emergencies.

So many great game developers have come together to help support this cause by contributing their titles to the bundle. You'll find every genre under the sun, and all for a fraction of the price (or more if you're feeling generous); which goes to directly supporting those in immediate need of medical supplies, food, water, shelter, and more.

We thank you for your support in advance if you choose to purchase this special bundle; which is helping those who need it most. You can purchase the Humble Bundle here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Pinktober 2022 Update

The month of October is behind us and it is now time to wrap up this year’s #Pinktober2022 campaign. As we promised in our previous blog post, we will provide you with some additional information along with the amount that has been raised over the year.

Throughout the entire month, we were doing our best to spread awareness among our community about this terrible disease by hosting a live stream on our Twitch channel and frequently sharing reminders on our social media. We’d like to thank everybody who joined this year’s campaign by tuning in to the broadcast or by sharing a kind message on their social media profiles using the special paint jobs contained in the DLCs. These might be small steps, but they are an important part of the ongoing battle.

Our effort was reflected internally within SCS as well by hosting an hour-long session with representatives from the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer charity organization. We are glad that so many of our colleagues attended this lecture and we truly hope that through them the message will carry on to those who might eventually find it useful.

Thanks to the amazing support from the #BestCommunityEver, the total amount gathered from the sales of the Pink Ribbon paint job packs is 47,000 USD! This sum is absolutely incredible and we thank each and every single one of you. We hope that donating the entire sum to the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer will make a great difference to those in need.

But don’t forget, you are free to support this, or any other organization throughout the whole year. Most importantly, however, donations are only one of the ways to join the fight. Spreading awareness, and reminding those you hold dear of the importance of regular health checks is what matters the most. Our health should always have the top priority and all of this information is something that all of us should keep in mind.

Thank you very much for your effort and support!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Pinktober 2022

The month of October is internationally recognised as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, better known as Pinktober. Often represented visually by a pink ribbon, the Pinktober campaign helps share critical information and spread awareness about this terrible disease which many are affected by. 

Educating yourself and sharing information with those around you is an important part of breast cancer awareness and detection, as it helps to know what signs to look out for. Regular self-checks and visiting your local doctor, while, at the same time, reminding those closest to you to do the same is the main message conveyed during the campaign. Your health should always be the highest priority.

Every year kind-hearted supporters are doing their best to aid in the battle by sending direct donations or spreading awareness. A couple of years ago we decided to commit ourselves to the cause as well in the form of a Pink Ribbon Charity Event which came along with two special DLCs in 2019 - one for American Truck Simulator, and one for Euro Truck Simulator 2. This opened up a possibility for those who wanted to help but weren’t sure where to donate, as, in the end, 100% of the income from these DLCs goes to a charity every year.


If you wish to join a good cause and obtain some new paint jobs for your trucks, now is the perfect opportunity to get these two DLCs or gift them to a friend and contribute to the battle against Breast Cancer. And in case you and your friends already own these DLCs, you can spread awareness by decorating your trucks in these paint jobs and haul with pride while letting others know about this good cause by flooding social media with screenshots of your trucks under #Pinktober2022.

In regards to which charities we are going to donate the final amount to, this year is going to be slightly different. This time we have decided to send the final sum raised from the DLCs to a single local charity - Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer. Pay close attention to our blog at the end of the month, as we will release another blog post wrapping up this year’s Pinktober and announcing the final amount of money donated!

As part of Pinktober, we have also invited representatives from the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer charity to host a Breast Cancer awareness seminar at our studios in Prague. We are very grateful to be able to offer such an informative session to our ever-increasing number of team members, and we hope to see colleagues old and new take part. 

We thank you all for your gracious support in advance, and thank those who have continually supported the Pinktober cause throughout the past year.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

#Pinktober 2021 Update

The month of October is now behind us and so is #Pinktober2021. As we mentioned in our previous blog post, this time we are here to inform you about the amount that has been raised over the past year. 

Thanks to the continuous support from the #BestCommunityEver, the total amount is 60,000 USD! That sum is truly exceptional and we thank each and every single one of you. This final sum will be evenly split into 15,000 USD and donated to the following 4 charities:

Keep in mind, you are free to support these, or any other organizations throughout the whole year. However, during this entire period donating money is not the primary way that you can join the fight! Spreading awareness, or making sure that those you hold dear will get their regular doctor and self-checks done is what matters the most! If you or anyone around you feels that something is not right, not being shy and seeking help is always strongly suggested!

And finally, we greatly appreciate the collective effort to raise awareness for this issue. Apart from the support on our special #Pinktober2021 live stream, we have also noticed numerous social media posts that were spreading the word about the fight against Breast Cancer, and about health overall. Thank you very much!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Humble Heal: Covid-19 Bundle

A year after the onset of the global pandemic, some regions seem to be out of the worst, but there are countries currently going through the world's worst COVID-19 outbreaks to date. When we were approached by our friends at Humble Bundle to be a part of a new bundle from which 100% of proceeds go to charities helping in the fight against coronavirus, we didn't hesitate.

Humble selected these four charities to be part of the bundle. These charities have focused efforts in India and Brazil, and are keeping a watchful eye on neighboring countries and hot spots should COVID support be needed in other countries.

Direct Relief improves the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources needed for their care. They’re currently providing local hospitals and healthcare facilities throughout India with PPE, oxygen concentrators, and other resources, and also supporting local vaccination efforts to vulnerable people in Brazil.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF is running COVID-19 response programs in India and Brazil. In Mumbai, MSF teams are treating patients in a 2,000 bed facility set up by the Indian government, in addition to ensuring that people living with illnesses like tuberculosis continue to receive care. In Brazil, MSF is supporting fragile local health systems in Amazonas and Roraima states.

International Medical Corps provides lifesaving healthcare and supplies to children, families and communities that have lost everything due to conflict, disaster and disease. International Medical Corps is seeking funds to help work with local partners in India to provide essential supplies like oxygen concentrators, ventilators, patient beds and personal protective equipment, and to distribute COVID-19 prevention and vaccine messaging to health facilities and communities.

GiveIndia aims to channel and provide resources to verified non-governmental organizations and projects across India, supporting COVID efforts, among others. As India grapples with a severe second wave, GiveIndia is supporting those in need with medical equipment and supplies, physical infrastructure, vaccination and testing, and humanitarian aid.

For $20 or your local equivalent (or more if you feel extra generous!), you'll get not only Euro Truck Simulator 2, but also other wonderful games like:

  • Brütal Legend - You can expect Jack Black, Ozzy Osbourne, and of course metal in this hack'n'slash game.
  • SUPERHOT - The most innovative shooter we've played in years!
  • Baba is You - Game is awesome. Bundle is best. Floor is lava. COVID be gone.
  • This War of Mine - Thrilling game where you need to make many life-and-death decisions.
  • Stick Fight: The Game - Throwback to the good old times with stick fight Flash games.
  • Saints Row: The Third - Stillwater needs you and you need to go through this goofy story.
  • UNDERTALE - *Megalovania starts playing*
  • BioShock™ Remastered - Explore the beautiful underwater world of Rapture.
  • Bury Me, My Love - Very touching text messaging adventure game about a Syrian migrant trying to find her way to Europe.
  • ... and more games, books, and software.

This is the perfect moment to grab an extra key of ETS2 for your friends as we're getting to the finish line for the open beta of Convoy multiplayer for ETS2 and ATS, get some new games for yourself (tell us your favorite in comments and on our social media!), and help the world in the fight against COVID-19.

The Humble Heal: Covid-19 Bundle runs until May 19 at 18:00 UTC.

Friday, October 30, 2020

#Pinktober 2020 Update

The month of October is coming to an end and so is our #Pinktober campaign. We thought this might be a good opportunity to thank our #BestCommunityEver for your amazing support. We also wanted to remind you about the importance of the core message of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and that the lessons don't just end because the month is over.

Each October, many charities around the world organize events, fundraisers, meetings, and speeches to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With the cooperation and support from hundreds of thousands of companies and individuals worldwide, it has become an important tradition. Often also referred to as "Pinktober" it is usually represented by the Pink Ribbon. It has become a symbol of hope and a reminder to promote and share important health information.

To promote this awareness campaign, we took upon ourselves to emphasize how important regular doctor visits and self-examinations are. You will probably remember our last year's extensive Pink Ribbon Charity event, in which we too threw a few punches at breast cancer along with the ETS2 and ATS community. At the start of the event, we introduced two very special DLCs, one for each of our games, in which we promised to give 100% of the money received to multiple charities focusing on this topic. And we are in this for the long haul.

During the event and through the sales of these two DLCs, together we raised more than 40,000 USD dollars last October, which we later equally divided and donated to three chosen charities. We promised to continue to donate the money raised to charity from these packs every October, even long after our first initial event last year.

And here we are! If you follow our social media or have watched our most recent live-streams, you may already know the news which we are about to share as we continued to raise awareness of #Pinktober during this past month on our Twitch and Steam live broadcasts.

Between the period of October 2019 and October 2020, thanks to the support continuously coming from our #BestCommunityEver, we've been able to raise another 50,000 USD, which we plan to donate in the upcoming days once again. This amazing pile of support and love will be divided into 4 equal amounts of 12,500 USD and given to 4 charities who are in the front line of fighting breast cancer. Three of the 4 are the same as last year, with the addition of a new charity based in the United Kingdom.

Thanks to you, we are able to send much-needed support to these wonderful charities to help people across the world. With the difficult times at hand, we feel the support may be needed now more than ever. Thank you, everyone, who has continued to support the good cause through the purchase of our special charity packs, participated in live-streams, and community fundraisers!