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Android OpenGL alpha Blending Stuttering Issue

I am trying to develop a Virtual Production app in android. The green screen should be removed and a 3d Object should be placed in that place. I almost done the changes based on multiple opensource ...
kannan 's user avatar
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Error Loading Local Assets (gltf) in ar_flutter_plugin

I am using the ar_flutter_plugin to work with Augmented Reality in my Flutter project. When attempting to load local GLTF assets, I encounter inconsistent behavior. Specifically, GLTF files that do ...
Soban Anjum's user avatar
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How to import a 3d model in my Android app

How to add a 3d model in my Android app. Maybe this has an obvious answer but I am new to the field of Android development and didn't find any proper editorial online. I am working with Compose UI ...
Kushang shah's user avatar
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How to use a 1x1 white pixel as an indirect light (Google Filament)

I am trying to create a simple solid color skybox with a solid color indirect light. I understand that the lighting will look flat but it's ok for my use case. This is what I have tried so far: val ...
Wilfred's user avatar
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Unable to Import .obj file in expo three app

I am attempting to import a .obj file from the assets folder in my expo application. I am getting the error: Android Bundling failed 26225ms (D:\\Dev\\expo\\nook\\node_modules\\expo\\AppEntry.js) ...
kev14762's user avatar
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Rotate a composable(jetpack compose) on Y axis without stretching it

I have a composable named card with a bunch of identifiable information for employees/students, i want to add a capability to rotate the card so the backside is readable. i did that with the following ...
Abdallah Mehiz's user avatar
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Flutter how to build a reactive 3d model

I'm currently working on developing an app that utilizes nerf models to guide users to specific locations within a room. My goal is to render a 3D arrow on top of the camera, similar to what's ...
David Tokar's user avatar
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3D flip Animation in react native

I am researching on how to develop smooth flip transition of 3D Tiles. I have shared the sample UI for mobile app.UI.UX Tile Design Till now I leanred following methods to do so, but before ...
Asad Ullah Shaban's user avatar
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Set images on a 3D cube object - Android studio (java)

I'm brand new on android studio and I'm trying to create an AR application that will show content on 3D objects. So I thought the best approach will be a cube. I'm using 'sceneform' : https://github....
Saar Gamzo's user avatar
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GLES in Surfaceview

I am trying to implement and use GL10 in surfaceview. When i got no syntax error, nothing drew. Glsurfaceview is also according to
pavel5750cz's user avatar
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Options to build an interactive 3d sphere Android

I'm looking for options to build an interactive 3d sphere on Android. I'm kind of new into native Android development so I am just exploring the ecosystem and investigating my alternatives to achieve ...
Mateo Guzmán's user avatar
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I can’t add AR to a project at react native expo

I can’t add AR to a project at the React native expo. Expo version 49. I tried ViroReact, ARkit, and three.js - all give errors with some missing functions or version errors. Please advise some ...
Артем Дегтярьов's user avatar
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pick and drop weapon in unity 3d mobile fps

please who ,now to create a ui button for pick and drop for a 3D mobile game tel me because I search lot of in youtube , google but I didn't find . please who now the answer tel me. hello everybody , ...
Adam gamer's user avatar
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Fps unity on android 30 and 45 only

My project has this problem on my PC 1000 FPS And on mobile 30 and 45 Tris 300k Drawcall 200 V-Sync = 0 ,30 and 44 FPS V-Sync = 2 ,30 and 45 fps Why? I use target frame but this can not increase FPS ...
user22601437's user avatar
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Applying a Geometry Shader on Existing Material in GLB Using Filament Android

I'm working on an Android project using the Filament rendering engine to display 3D models in GLB format. I have successfully loaded and displayed models with existing materials using Filament. ...
Test Label's user avatar

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