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SemanticKITTI rotation troubles

The pose data provided with the SemanticKITTI ( LIDAR dataset is formatted unusually. For instance, they use a 'yzx' coordinate system instead of the standard 'xyz'. My ...
Tim Noel's user avatar
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3D CSS3 transforms handling with DOMMatrix issue

Context I'm trying to handle geometric operations applied to HTML elements by CSS3 3d transforms through DOMMatrix API to retrieve any coord i want in any coord system i want. The Issue Everything ...
Xeyes's user avatar
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What do the "facial transformation matrix" and "canonical face model" when extracting 3D face poses from MediaPipe?

I'm currently playing around with the MediaPipe face detection tool from Google. I am using it to extract 3D poses from an image containing a face. I'm a little confused about the returned outputs ...
skidjoe's user avatar
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Fine tuning matrix slerp

I'm looking for help on getting a proper matrix slerp going. I'm hoping to get it to work with arbitrary matrices, since I'm using this as part of a skeletal system that is not always rotating around ...
KiraHoneybee's user avatar
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Calculating a transformation matrix from corresponding points (ThreeJS)

I have two sets of three corresponding (x,y) points, a and b: // (example values, not actual) const a = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]] const b = [/* etc, same format as `a` */] I'm using ThreeJS and trying ...
melvona's user avatar
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Amount of possible Matrix multiplications per frame?

I want to know how many matrices a top tier graphics card can multiply. I am talking about 4x4 projection/view matrices, no lighting whatsoever. Also, I do not want an exact number but more like a ...
v22's user avatar
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Plotting 3D Surface Graph

I'm facing an issue while trying to generate a 3D surface plot in MATLAB using the surf function. The error message I'm encountering is "Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector." The ...
VU Han's user avatar
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I want to move a character in a matrix

I want the object to move in the direction of the rotation axis. And we want the rotation axis to rotate while its position is fixed. Taking a game character as an example, the character can rotate in ...
dkskfktldi's user avatar
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Rotating a cube in 2D space

I'm building my own "Graphics Library" which manipulates PPM files under the hood. The library can create videos, too, by utilizing ffmpeg. My library mainly does 2D videos, but I wanted to ...
علي المطوع's user avatar
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X-rotation looks weird

I decided to learn a bit about matrices and 3D cameras and made some educational project for myself, to understand how it works. Swift and SwiftUI because I'm a bit familiar with. But question is more ...
Łukasz's user avatar
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can i get the plane describing the edge of my view frustum

tldr: I have a view frustum ive made by performing several cross products between different matrices, now im struggling to clip objects since i cant find a way to describe the planes at the edge of my ...
tgmjack's user avatar
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3D object location to 2D image

I am using ROS to record data from CARLA Simulator. I want to render a bounding box on the RGB Front camera image that correspond to the other vehicle's location. Here is an example frame from the bag ...
wiswasi's user avatar
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Position of a vector in coordinate system (Processing/p5.js)

i am new to processing i had to perform a task and i wanted to know how can i go about it in processing. Down below is the code and i want to find the coordinates of Pvector 'vectorInNewCoordSys' in ...
user22305318's user avatar
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Numpy 3D Matrix Multiplication (Same Dimensions)

I am trying to multiply two 3D matrices with the same dimensions (MxNxD). I know in 2D matrix multiplication, I can just transpose one and do the matrix multiplication. Is there a similar approach for ...
user18980990's user avatar
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Why are two elements of my inverse projection matrix always 0?

I'm writing a ray tracer for which I need to cast rays from the screen into the world. I'm using the inverse of the view-projection-viewport matrix to get back from screen pixel coordinates to world ...
Boann's user avatar
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