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How to plot the trace path of 3D points over time in R

I need to plot with R the trajectory of some 3D points over time (animated). I tried these two pieces of code: 3D points animated over time but not plotting the path from one moment to the next: ...
Alejandra Fusco's user avatar
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Graphing a function of 4 variables

I want to graph a function of 4 variables, I am thinking we can plot the first three variables in space, using a color code, then make the colors change as by the 4th variable which is time. The graph ...
NotaChoice's user avatar
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Python - 3D gradient plot animation with control slider

I am reading the following articles 3D animation using matplotlib. It shows the animation in 3D. I am considering the following scenario: I have a x-y meshgrid, [1,2,...,20] X [1,2,...,20] For each ...
sleeve chen's user avatar
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In matlab trying to plot multiple trajectories in time simultaneously

I am trying to plot multiple oscillators animated wrt. time, such that they are animated "simultaneously" in order to follow them side by side. I am able to plot each point separately, but I would ...
Volumunox's user avatar
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How to do a 3D animation

This is a double question. My main goal is to create an animated 3D plot. I started creating the same plot, but in 2D. But the animation does not work, and I don’t know why. This is the code: import ...
Gaizka Garmendia's user avatar
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animared plot two different colors and shapes in 3d in matplotlib python

i try to animate two different classes "red dots" and "blue triangles". At the beginning they are all on the x-y plane and through the animation all of them should move along the z-axis. At the end it ...
JimmyDiJim's user avatar
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Badly Aligned 3D Labels - Matplotlib

I'm creating 3D animations of scatter plots with matplotlib and i'm finding it difficult to get the tick-labels aligned with tick marks. You can see that the tick labels, particularly the y axis ...
Zac Povey's user avatar
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How does MATLAB connect 3d points?

I want to create a rocket shape by specifying a "cloud" of surface points and making MATLAB connect the points into rectangular patches (such that when there are many of these, it creates the illusion ...
space_voyager's user avatar
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MATLAB - 3D Animation plot

I have a matrix with 4 variables. I want to plot the results as a 3D surface animation, having 3 of the variables as x,y and z and the 4th variable as time (t). I imagine the code to be something ...
Trenera's user avatar
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MATLAB 2D plot parabolic line rotation to form a cone in 3D

I would like to make a cone surface plot using: the distance vector 'X=1:1:100' (size 1 100) and the data vector Y=1:1:100 (size 1 100). In 2D the plot is a kinda parabolic equation 'Y=100-X^2' ( y > ...
user1640255's user avatar
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Matlab Plot 3d axis on a specifi point

I want to plot the axis x,y,z as vectors from a specific point.x will be(+-1,0,0) (if the point was the origin)y=(0,+-1,0) and z(0,0,+-1).How can i plot them with different colors in an figure tha ...
pap-00's user avatar
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matlab animate 2 3d plots in same figure, have hold on one and not the other

For my current project in matlab i am modeling the spread of an infection across the globe. the main method i am using for letting the infection jump is pre-set airport locations. I also show when ...
user2299338's user avatar