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Angular OIDC Auth Client Logout from multiple tabs

Working with Angular and AWS Cognito. I want to logout from all the active tabs of the browser. Using angular-auth-oidc-client for auth config. Added the below code in app.module.ts to use ...
Gnik's user avatar
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How to Differentiate Wrong Password for Unverified User in AWS Cognito SignIn?

Problem: I'm working with AWS Cognito and implementing user authentication in my react-native app using the aws-amplify library(Gen2 api, version:6.6.0). My flow includes user registration and sign-in ...
Om_Telavane's user avatar
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Is there a way to verify AWS Cognito password reset confirmation code without providing a new password?

I'm working on a React Native app that uses AWS Cognito for authentication with aws-amplify library. I am currently implementing the "Forgot Password" feature. In the process of resetting a ...
Om_Telavane's user avatar
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Cannot find package '@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider

Getting a very strange error with AWS Cognito provider. I stepped away from our back-end Node JS repo for a few weeks, and suddenly our sign-in endpoint is no longer working. { "message": { ...
warlock257's user avatar
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AWS amplify with custom UI: how to return a code?

We implemented a custom ui with amplify (gen 1) logging against a cognitor user pool + some lambdas for migrate user from previous user database, etc... A customer asked to be able to login interface ...
realtebo's user avatar
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How to Retrieve Salesforce Access Token from Cognito after Federated Login

I have set up AWS Cognito to use Salesforce as an external identity provider (IDP) for user login in my application. The current flow is as follows: The user is redirected to Cognito's default login ...
Shanthan Reddy's user avatar
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Giving admin access to specific groups in Cognito

I have a user pool that have multiple groups, One of them I have set as admins and the idea is, they will be able to list, edit, update anything related to other users. For this purpose I am trying to ...
Muhammad Umar's user avatar
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Getting a JWT from Amplify Auth/Cogntio in React to send to my backend for verification

I have been struggling getting and agreeable token format to be able to verify it on my backend (Python Flask). import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify'; import { Authenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-...
Kipland Melton's user avatar
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i got a problem signup using next.js and aws

I’m currently working on implementing the sign-up functionality in my Next.js project using AWS Cognito. However, I’ve encountered a frustrating issue. Every time I try to test the sign-up process ...
elghali wali alami's user avatar
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Can not login with aws cognito after updated the android app

My app was build by react native and now is in closed test version, I was able to login to my account with aws cognito, but after I pushed a new closed test version, I can't login to my account ...
Yuntian Liu's user avatar
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Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool when trying to get user attributes in @aws-amplify/auth 6

I have a simple React Native application that uses Cognito for authentication and in one of the screens I want to show some user attributes associated with the logged in user. I had this working using ...
Zac Tolley's user avatar
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How to issue an access token after account confirmation in AWS Cognito in a passwordless flow (combined sign-up/sign-in page)?

I've implemented a passwordless login system in AWS Cognito and aiming to streamline the user experience based on a flow I've seen in real-world apps. In my case, I'm using AWS Cognito with a ...
Norbert's user avatar
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Amplify UI Setup MFA step not showing SMS Setup

I'm setting up an Authenticator with an Angular frontend, connecting it to a Cognito user pool. The goal is to migrate existing users to Cognito, send them a temporary password, and let them choose ...
Dewz's user avatar
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How to Set Up Amazon Cognito as the Sole SAML Identity Provider (IdP) Without Third-Party Integration?

I'm currently working on setting up Amazon Cognito as the sole SAML Identity Provider (IdP) for my web and mobile applications. Most of the documentation and guides I've found, such as this AWS blog, ...
knightsky's user avatar
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AWS Cognito: Missing Scopes in Access Token with Custom UI and Device Remember Functionality for MFA

I'm using AWS Cognito and working with the Hosted UI. The problem I have is that I'm unable to remember a device for a given user, so I can't prevent the requirement of entering the authenticator code ...
smile's user avatar
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