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Issue with Sending Email to signIn Function for Storing in DB

I'm encountering an issue with NextAuth and would appreciate any guidance or support. Problem I am using NextAuth for authentication in my application. I want users to stay logged in with Google and ...
BabaYaga's user avatar
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What should we store in the session when using session-based authentication?

I'm learning how to use session-based authentication for my web app, but I'm not sure what kind of data should be stored in the session. What information do I need to keep in the session after a user ...
Impossible cell 754863921's user avatar
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How to Perform GET/POST Requests to a Server Using Kerberos Authentication in Go? [closed]

I'm working on a project using Go, and I need to make GET and POST requests to a server that requires Kerberos authentication. I've tried looking into libraries and examples, but I'm still unclear on ...
Denis Korovin's user avatar
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How can I detect whether authorization is complete?

Basic question Is there a way for a browser to detect whether a user has been authenticated via SAML on a different site? Background My organization has a custom application that is a portal that uses ...
Kimber Warden's user avatar
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Auth0 integration with Next.js and ASP.NET Core

I'm integrating Auth0 into my Next.js frontend and ASP.NET Core backend application. While the integration for authentication and authorization generally works, I am encountering issues when ...
simon sjöö's user avatar
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OAuth 2.0 authentication with Swagger UI

I have an ASP.NET Core Web Api project with following program.cs file: using (var scope = temporaryProvider.CreateScope()) { var dataverseUtilityService = scope.ServiceProvider....
Osman Esen's user avatar
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Handshake error in ASP.NET Core 6 application using Negotiate authentication

I have an ASP.NET Core 6 application that uses the Negotiate authentication scheme to authenticate using the Windows authentication (NTLM/Kerberos). I'm configuring the authentication service like ...
Master_T's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Update ValidAudiences in JWT Authentication during Runtime in ASP.NET Core?

I am developing an ASP.NET Core application that uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication and authorization. Current Implementation: I have set up JWT authentication and configured the ...
Cavid Haciyev's user avatar
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How to refresh a token when token expires in a go backend application

In my go backend application I generated a token when my app is initialised.And I want to use this token as a global variable for further authentications. type Token struct { Name string ...
hafis's user avatar
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535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, basic authentication is disabled. Brother printer scan to email function

I have a Brother MFC-J6930DW which all of a sudden has stopped being able to scan to email, and gives the below error. 535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, basic authentication is disabled. [...
Ben's user avatar
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How to Differentiate Wrong Password for Unverified User in AWS Cognito SignIn?

Problem: I'm working with AWS Cognito and implementing user authentication in my react-native app using the aws-amplify library(Gen2 api, version:6.6.0). My flow includes user registration and sign-in ...
Om_Telavane's user avatar
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login with username and password [closed]

I have an app where i need to login from already registered username and password, but when i try to login it gives me these errors login failed, invalid password and POST http://localhost:3000/api/...
riham issa's user avatar
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Getting the token as undefined since I get the token from backend (Angular, .NET)

I got a JWT authentication system with gRPC service in .NET and anular as client side, everything seems alright except I can't store my token in the localStorage in client side, I got the token from ...
matinmat8's user avatar
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Firebase Authentication Error - The custom token format is incorrect. Please check the documentation

I am a fairly new user to Firebase, using it for a VR game I am making. Firebase helps me store user data and authentication. (E.G. storing user cosmetics, storing user roles) Whenever I attempt to ...
Liam Shumaker's user avatar
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Make Auth::id() availeble in other midleware in Laravel 11

In Laravel 11 a middleware is called in the constructor of a controller. The controller: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Http\Request; ...
UltraMarkus's user avatar

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