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DefaultAfterRollbackProcessor without BackOff for batch listener

I'm trying to configure the error handling for a batch listener, such that if a single record fails to be processed, the entire batch is sent to the dead letter topic (with some additional logging). I'...
duriz's user avatar
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Kafka Debezium Oracle Source Connector Intermittent Lag & Data Delay

I am working with Kafka, and we are using Debezium to capture CDC (Change Data Capture) data from an Oracle source database. Below are my Debezium configuration parameters: { "name": &...
Muhammad Affan's user avatar
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Kafka KRaft Mode - Access Denied Exception When Deleting Snapshot Files

I'm facing an issue with Kafka running in KRaft mode (without Zookeeper) on a Windows environment, and I keep getting an AccessDeniedException in the logs when Kafka attempts to delete specific ...
nishant chauhan's user avatar
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Kafka message compression not working (broker level)

I added compression for log messages on broker level compression.type=zstd on all three brokers with no other changes on the broker level or producer level. When I tried to read messages from my ...
Abhinav Ralhan's user avatar
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Count mismatch in AKHQ UI 0.24.0

I am producing 10 records to kafka topic and able to consume all 10 but in AKHQ UI I am seeing count as 12 . If I count the values manually its 10 only (same as what's produced). PFA Tried changing ...
mpsimham's user avatar
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Kafka consumer seek() losses some data in consmer.pool() with single consumer assign to multiple partitions

I am running one consumer and assigned 4 partitions(0,1,2,3) to it. consumer.assign(0,1,2,3) I have send A1,B2,C3,D4 data on partition 0,1,2,3 on the topic consumer is running. Now, i pool the data ...
MOHAMMAD SHADAB's user avatar
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Kafka Streams: Persisting RocksDB state on shared disk across multiple instances

I have a Kafka Streams application running as a StatefulSet in a Kubernetes cluster. Each instance uses 10 threads. Due to the volatile nature of the data load, I use a scaling mechanism to ...
Kewitschka's user avatar
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Debezium KafkaConnect, No such file or directory

I am getting the error when attempting to setup Debezium in kubernetes (minikube for now) using Strimzi. What is wrong with my manifest? I may be confusing how to use the debezium connect image. I am ...
sammy's user avatar
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Kafka Streams - State Store changelog topic deleteion

I have some corrupted keys in a state store. I dont want to reset the whole application. Can I simply delete and recreate the changelong topic in order to purge the in memory state store. Is this safe?...
Nicholas Lester's user avatar
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How to list most used topics

I want to list the most used topics by input/output of messages. How can I do this? I'm trying with sum delta but it isn't what I want sum(delta(kafka_consumergroup_current_offset{})) by (topic, ...
Marcelo de Andrade's user avatar
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ksqldb explode multiple list elements

I have data like this: One Kafka Message: [{"source": "858256_6052+571", "numericValue": null, "created": 1725969039288, "textValue": "mytestData&...
Max Muster's user avatar
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Unable to sent records to Db from kafka topic using Microsoft sql server sink connector

Summary: I need to send records to kafka topic and using microsoft sql server sink connector have to fetch the record from topic and send to database. ** Approaches i tried for sending records to ...
Hemalathaa's user avatar
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Nifi send metadata to Kafka topic

The task is to send some metadata to kafka topic in Nifi-pipeline. For example, Java ProducerRecord api allow to send custom headers, which may be used as metadata container. But in Nifi ...
Jelly's user avatar
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Kraft inter-broker communication over SSL

I'm wondering if I'm missing something about configuring SSL for Kraft. We currently have a Zookeeper cluster where all inter-broker & client communication uses SSL. We manage our own CA and ...
Ian Whitney's user avatar
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Kafka Consumer fails to rejoin its group in a single Kafka broker

I've been using Apache Kafka 3.3.2 for a while now as a single broker and not a cluster (I know, this started as a testing stuff) and now I bumped into some consumer error which I couldn't solve by ...
Guy_g23's user avatar
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