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Only allow ARM to access blob Storage Account?

We are deploying a Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates@2022-07-01 via an ARM template (written in Bicep if that matters) that will be used as an image to deploy VM's. This template is ...
yamh's user avatar
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Is it possible to use an Azure JSON-View as part of a deployment script?

Azure newbie - I manually created an azure data lake gen 2 storage account. I clicked on the JSON View icon and was presented with a JSON string containing all the information about the storage ...
TPV's user avatar
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Azure ARM Template failed : could not find 'type'?

{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": ...
Abhishek Upadhyay's user avatar
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How to move storage account from one location to another

I accidentally selected the location as east us for my storage account , Now I'm trying to move this particular storage account to my my desired location , but when I'm using Azure resource Mover and ...
Raghava Akula's user avatar
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Bicep Loop over key vault keys and encrypt storage account

I have a bit of a huge blocker here about the implementation logic. I am working with bicep to create those resources. storage accounts key vault pass storage accounts connection string to key vault ...
Nayden Van's user avatar
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Bicep pass storage account connection string to key vault secret

I have been browsing about this but I couldn't find any practical or useful solution. I am deploying a storage account using bicep. This works just fine, but I am trying to get the storage account ...
Nayden Van's user avatar
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child resources in nested resource in Bicep

I am looking for solution where I can create multiple storage accounts and create child resources like blob for each storage accounts using loops in Bicep.I was able to deploy multiple storage ...
anuj khosla's user avatar
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Creating SAS token with ARM template: error InvalidValuesForRequestParameters

I am trying to generate a SAS token from an ARM template, to allow my template to subsequently access resources in a blob storage (including linked templates). The SAS token is supposed to be stored ...
Jean-Pascal J.'s user avatar
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Getting Error while trying to run ARM Template for Storage Account Provisioning using Private Endpoint and Private Link

I am trying to deploy a V2 Storage Account along with Private Endpoint and Private link using ARM Template. I already have a Resource Group, VNET and Subnet existing in my Subscription and i would ...
Pallab's user avatar
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I was trying to deploy a Storage Account using ARM template. However, an error has been thrown. Can someone help me on this issue

{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Unable to delete Azure Resource Group

I'm trying to delete Ra esource Group or the resources in that group. Databricks got deleted half-way is now in a failed state and can't be removed A storage account can't be deleted because of an ...
Felix Bodmer's user avatar
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Disk-full conflict in Azure when deploying Functions by ARM template

Me and my team usually deploys Azure Functions Apps to the cloud by ARM templates. But these days, we was running that ARM template to create a new function and link it with the App Service Plan ...
Murilo Condutta's user avatar
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Error in ARM template creating a storage account and app services

Is possible to create a service plan, app service, and storage account in the same resource group using ARM template?, when I try this I get the next error: Azure Error: InvalidTemplateDeployment ...
Alejandro Gonzalez's user avatar
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Deploy multiple containers in the storage account via ARM Template

Is it possible to deploy multiple (2) containers in the storage account via ARM Template? "resources": [ { "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", &...
user989988's user avatar
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How to enable diagnostics logs for storage accounts using azure resource manager templates?

I am trying to create an azure resource manager template to provision storage accounts, and I want to enable diagnostics logging on creation. Basically I am trying create a resource manager template ...
user3299116's user avatar

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