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Remove blob from azure storage account through bicep but exlude blob from develop branch

We set up a storage account and azure storage account life cycle management policies for removing the blobs that are older than 100days and so on. What we noticed that this policy will remove all ...
ninja's user avatar
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Not able to see azure 'LifecyclePolicyCompleted event' log

In Azure storage account I have added Rules under lifecycle management to move blob from one access Tier to another daily around 3AM to 4PM (Automatically) and it's working fine . Small Code snippet ...
Mohammad Sarfaraz's user avatar
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Use managed identity to access storage account with persistent volume in AKS

I face the following situation: I would like to access a storage account using Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) but without an access to the storage account's access key. Hence,...
László Marton's user avatar
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Migrate data from on-premise cluster to Azure Storage account file share

I have an app that's running inside an on-premise Kubernetes cluster. The app is being migrated into an Azure Kubernetes cluster. The app data needs to be migrated as well. The data is inside an NFS ...
apasic's user avatar
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An error occurred while reading the key ring in China cloud

We have a service deployed with this code: services.AddDataProtection(opt => opt.ApplicationDiscriminator = configurationOptions.Authentication.AzureAd.ClientId) ....
Aarthi Vishwanathan's user avatar
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Problem with query in Azure Resource Graph Explorer

I'm very new to KQL. I'm trying to find which resources are using a storage account with this query: resources | where type == "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" | project ...
Marius Løkken's user avatar
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Event Grid data connection: "Can not create the data connection without the missing resources"

I'm trying to use the Azure portal wizard to create an Event Grid (Blob storage) data connection, but despite filling out the form with all relevant information, I get an error message upon submitting:...
sstchur's user avatar
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How can I restore a Azure storage account with private endpoint connections?

I have a storage account with private endpoint connections. If I delete the storage account and keep the private endpoint, we would be left with a pe with connection to a non-existent resource. If I ...
Helen Hu's user avatar
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Creating a ADLS Linked Service with Bicep for a Blob Container?

I can't get this ADLS Linked Service(LS) to work. I tried publicAccess blob, container, and private for the container. I have allowBlobPublicAccess:true for the storage account. I was able to create ...
Mir Ali's user avatar
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How do I find the Key Vault that is used to managed the keys of a storage account

I have a storage account that the keys are managed and periodically rotated by a key Vault. Now I have to generate a SAS token for a particular blob directory but because the keys are rotated ...
tony k's user avatar
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Azure BlobContainerClient vs BlobContainerAsyncClient

I am just starting on code to download files from Azure blob using java SDK. while searching found two different clients for Blob. BlobContainerClient and BlobContainerAsyncClient. what's the ...
DAK's user avatar
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How to allow IP Based access to StorageAccount in Azure VNet?

We have a scenario where our Storage account inside VNet to restricted to specific public IP range Access. How to allow access to this Storage account inside VNet? Should we create App Service? How to ...
Malini Kennady's user avatar
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List containers in the Azure Data Lake Storage

I'm trying to list the containers inside a specific directory within Azure Data Lake Storage account, but it doesn't seem to be any function that can handle this: Here is my hierarchy: assets root ...
Yasin Amini's user avatar
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CORS Issue on Azure Function App (Flex Consumption Host Model)

I'm currently facing a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issue with my Azure Function App, which is running on a Flex Consumption host model. It was developed locally and deployed to a Azure. I'm ...
Shelani de Silva's user avatar
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How to download a file into an Azure Storage account from a function app

I have just got started with Azure Function Apps. The following code should download a file with FTP from another server into an Azure storage account. [FunctionName("UploadBlobFunction")] ...
sukesh's user avatar
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