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Multiple Blazor interactive server apps: webSocket failed to connect

I created a second Blazor interactive server application but after I deploy this to my Linux server, I see these errors in the console: WebSocket connection to 'wss://
Schippert's user avatar
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RadzenRow and RadzenColumn Content Alignment - Top

I have a component that has a RadzenRow with two RadzenColumns. The left column uses a RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Vertical" that contains 4 buttons. The right column has a ...
Mark Bonafe's user avatar
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Navigating to a dynamic route based on ID from a table in Blazor

I have a table in a Blazor page that displays several records. Each row contains an ID, and I want to allow users to click on the ID, which should navigate to a new page with a dynamic route based on ...
eza's user avatar
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.NET and Blazor 8 - handling exceptions without ErrorBoundary on Interactive Server pages?

I have a Blazor & .NET 8 Web App which uses interactive server mode to render its pages. Is it possible to add a global handler which will catch unhandled exceptions before the default yellow &...
Scott's user avatar
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Blazor Server: Handle token refresh (Cookie-based authentication)

I am storing my access and refresh tokens inside the HttpContext via HttpContext.StoreTokens(). I can retrieve these in my App.razor and pass them to the rest of the application from there. This works ...
lvde0's user avatar
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Blazor Server: How to share data between component and controllers?

From a component I am navigating to an external OAuth2 endpoint that is performing an Authorization Code Flow and then redirects back to my application. The redirection is handled via a dedicated ...
lvde0's user avatar
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Blazor Page Redirect - Unhandled exception - a middleware was not found that supports anti-forgery

I am trying to build a web server app using Blazor InteractiveServer, and I want to show custom error pages for error code 400, 404, etc. My code looks like this Program.cs var builder = ...
KhataPlus's user avatar
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NotFound Route not working in Blazor even in newly created project

I am trying to set a route in Blazor (Server) (.NET 8) using Visual Studio 2022. I have just created a new project and modified the code of Routes.razor file as <Router AppAssembly="typeof(...
Ashish Sinha's user avatar
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"this" is not avaible in the current context with EventCallback.Factory.Create [duplicate]

Here is my code: private readonly Dictionary<string, ComponentMetadata> components = new() { [nameof(ChoiceOfAnswerQuestion)] = new ComponentMetadata() { Type = ...
mathdx's user avatar
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SupplyParameterFromQuery not working in Blazor app

In my .NET 8 Blazor Server App, I am using [SupplyParameterFromQuery] to retrieve query string parameters as recommended by Microsoft here. Home.razor @page "/home" <PageTitle>Home<...
Bill Kindig's user avatar
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Issues with comparing two model properties using `Compare` attribute ( .net 7)

I am building a sign-up form using .net Blazor server side, while trying to compare the password with the confirmation password field that the user enters are matching, I do the comparison using ...
Khalid jimmy's user avatar
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How to get the html text from Blazored.TextEditor on callback function?

Error when getting the text from Blazored.TextEditor component (See at the bottom). Below is my dialog box that has a TextEditor component that I am using from Blazored.TextEditor. <MudDialog> ...
Sachihiro's user avatar
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IClaimsTransformation not persisting added claims

I'm trying to add custom claims to my Blazor Server (.NET 8) application, for which I am using the IClaimsTransformation. public class MyClaimsTransformation() : IClaimsTransformation { public ...
Schoof's user avatar
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My blazor page is executed twice when I need to execute just one time

I dont know why but the page /Generador/VerificarEmail/EncriptedEmailAndName is executed twice. ChatGPT suggested me to put all the code as async, so I did that but the page is still executing twice. ...
Matías Alejandro Novillo's user avatar
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Blazor server bootstrap template doesn't render properly .NET 8

I have an issue after installing the template in my Blazor App. I have created a WebsiteLayout : <div class="page"> <header class="reveal_header"> ...
Bako Gdaniec's user avatar

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