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Combine Blazor and Web API in same project with Entity Framework

I have a Web API project (dotnet8) which hosts some API endpoints. Those endpoints use services which hold all the business logic, where the services use EF's DbContext to communicate with the ...
devqon's user avatar
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How do I get more information when Error.cshtml is called?

I created a Blazor Interactive Server app and it has the files Error.cshtml and Error.cshtml.cs. I do not know why/when they are called. I added logging in: public void OnGet() { RequestId = ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Blazor - how can I force an update of a variable to an underlying component

I have a component that will pop-up a dialog asking if you're sure you want to discard changes when switching to a different page. I put it on each page as follows: <ConfirmNavigation ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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How to read a cookie in razor component with RenderMode="InteractiveServer"? (Blazor Server + Net 8)

I have a Blazor Server app in Net 8. Authentication: none Interactive render mode: Server Interactivity location: Per page/component I am trying to read a cookie with user logged data in a razor ...
Antonio LM's user avatar
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Where do custom metrics I did not set come from

I explicitly track 4 metrics in my app and they all show up in the Azure Application Insights custom metrics. But this list of metrics also has 3 metrics I did not set: HealthReportEntryDuration ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Auto-expand and auto-scroll in MudBlazor with MudTree

I am trying to create a Comments component which renders comments, but the comments can have nested comments, and I want to be able to fetch the child comments only if the users clicks on the parent ...
Sachihiro's user avatar
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Why is Application Insights showing no events

This is for a Blazor Interactive Server app. I add it to the app using: builder.Logging.AddApplicationInsights(); builder.Services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry(); I then add an event using: // ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Blazor ErrorContent not catching an error

Blazor Interactive Server - in my MainLayout.razor I have: <ErrorBoundary> <ChildContent> <!-- lots of nodes --> </ChildContent> <ErrorContent Context=&...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Multiple Blazor interactive server apps: webSocket failed to connect

I created a second Blazor interactive server application but after I deploy this to my Linux server, I see these errors in the console: WebSocket connection to 'wss://
Schippert's user avatar
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blazor after visual studio update throws some strange JS warnings

After update visual studio to 17.11.3, in almost every file that i opened with visual studio threw some warning: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Warning (...
Dorian's user avatar
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Ways of implementing search-functionality in a web application using SQL Server database and Entity Framework [closed]

I have a Blazor Server web application using MudBlazor and using Entity Framework (EF), and a SQL Server database as backend database. I want to implement a search that searches across multiple tables ...
Stephan Riise's user avatar
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What is the best approach to have dynamic tabs with dynamic content in Blazor? [closed]

Working on a Blazor application, I am wondering what would be the best approach to implement dynamic tabs with dynamic content. I have searched extensively but did not arrive to a satifying conclusion ...
mennowo's user avatar
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In my Blazor server side app: How can I start an application on the server side in the foreground (not background) with usual interface?

In my Blazor server side app I am starting an application on the server side (not on the client side) with code below. But the application is running always in background, so the normal interface ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Razor pages with Blazor components establish web socket connections even on pages that don't need it

I'm going to be writing an application with thousands of concurrent users. The majority of the pages in this application are standard CRUD pages that a regular ASP.NET Core Razor pages app will be ...
user2520117's user avatar
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RadzenRow and RadzenColumn Content Alignment - Top

I have a component that has a RadzenRow with two RadzenColumns. The left column uses a RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Vertical" that contains 4 buttons. The right column has a ...
Mark Bonafe's user avatar
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