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Modifying range in Traffic light Iconset in Openpyxl

I have a sample data in excel like as below cust_id,avg_purchase 1,0.2 2,0.5 3,100 4,9 5,1 6,31 7,9.5 8, "No purchase" 9, "No purchase" I would like to do the below using Openpyxl ...
The Great's user avatar
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Pandas convert_dtypes(infer_objects=Fals, convert_string=True) converting numeric data into string only for 1st occurrence of numeric column

I'm trying to load data from oracle DB table into pandas dataframe in a string format where my table has many NUMBER fields having data without decimal places. ex. tableA (col1 varchar2(30), col2 ...
Kaustav Nandy's user avatar
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Create new variable based on partial string matching in column R

I have a large df with Columns: "Gene, variable, value" to which I would like to add a new variable "light_exposure". To assign the value to this new column I would like to see if ...
Alehman's user avatar
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Banding function showing 'none' values instead of defined values in Pandas [duplicate]

I'm trying to band years into decades to make visualisation clearer and my function appears to work initially: def banding(year): if year <= 1989: print ('1980s') ...
Amy Santos's user avatar
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how do you select the maximum value accross each row in pandas

Hi have this data frame: Server 1-Jun 6-Jun 1-jul Jul-10 ServerA 8 9 5 90 ServerB 100 10 9 90 I need to create another column called maximumval and pick ...
user1471980's user avatar
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Efficient manner to compare and match structures between two data frames in R? [closed]

I'm working on a function for comparing the structures of two data frames in R, in order to build a validation filter for uploading data into a table. I realize that when you have a data frame in R ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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how create new column or update column inside a dataframe?

Good morning eveyone I have a question today, that i don't know exactly how to do. Having a dataframe, i need create columns dynamically, and those column will contein a set of validations that i have ...
Julio's user avatar
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Error in as.vector(x, mode) : cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'any' in R [closed]

I am trying to create a table one in R to compare two treatment groups. Here is my code: `my_vars <- c("Sex", "Age", "Country_of_inclusion", "GBSDS_w4", &...
Anmol Rajpar's user avatar
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How to expand a single-index DataFrame to a multiindex DataFrame in an efficient way? (python, pandas)

import pandas as pd concordance_region = pd.DataFrame( { "country 1": pd.Series([1, 0], index=["region a", "region b"]), "country 2": pd.Series([0, ...
Y H's user avatar
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Calculate transition probabilities

I have this data: simulated_states = c("A", "E", "B", "B", "A", "C", "D", "A", "B", "D", "A&...
heartofdarkness's user avatar
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PANDAS performance: which is better

OK ewes experts which of the following python pandas is more :performant 1) using a python list comprehension import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('datasets/large_columnset.csv', index_col=0) df....
user27373850's user avatar
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How convert a list into multiple columns and a dataframe?

i have a challenge today, is: Having a list of s3 paths, inside a list, split this and get a dataframe with one column with the path and a new column with just the name of the folder. my list have the ...
Julio's user avatar
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add pandas dataframe to exist postgresql database

I have read and tried a lot of posts on stackoverflow about adding a pandas dataframe to an existing postgresql database. Here is my code conn=psycopg2.connect(dbname='mypostgres', user='...', ...
MIKKI MOUSE's user avatar
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Consolidate Excel File with Images and Write the Output with the Image into Excel in R

I am trying to consolidate two excel file with the same column names and write the output into an another excel file while keeping the images in place. But whenever I consolidate the output, the ...
Mr Pool's user avatar
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Create Pivot table and add additional columns from another dataframe

Given two identically formatted dataframes: df1 Counterparty Product Deal Date Value foo bar Buy 01/01/24 10.00 foo bar Buy 01/01/24 10.00 foo ...
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