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Make SpeechRecognizer ignore text-to-speech being played out loud while listening

My experimental code below (compileSdk 34, minSdk 33), works well as far as text-to-speech and speech-recognition are considered separately: package com.example.speechandspeak; import android....
ususer's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Google Play shows me my app has actions.xml but in fact my app doesn't have actions.xml

I want to publish my new app in Google Play but Google Play shows my app has actions.xml. Last time I didn't add to my project actions.xml and I never have actions.xml in project. Last time I only ...
Stack Overflow's user avatar
7 votes
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unable to test google assistant action on web simulator (Error Cloud function deployment failed. Dismiss)

Hey Respected Community! I started learning to create google actions. so i created very basic google action. which invokes by 'hey google talk to Doctor Strange' and after adding 1 more transition ...
Aaqib Mehrban's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

This app is blocked message when using gActions CLI

I downloaded gActions CLI on windows x64 bit machine. after issuing the login command and pasting the the browser link i get the below error: This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive ...
icsfs's user avatar
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Google Assistant Plugin Options On Android Studio (Hedgehog)

I realize this isn't exactly a programming question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. I'm having trouble with Android Studio and plugins. I've been trying to implement shortcuts with custom ...
me_'s user avatar
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How to develop a Google Voice app that works with smart devices (Google nest devices) now that Conversational actions will be removed?

I am currently developing an updated version of a voice app that it was previously developed with Google Actions console as a conversational app. However, when started to create a new project for this ...
Daniel Linares's user avatar
5 votes
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How to launch our installed app from google assistant using custom word

I want to open my installed app from google Assistant using custom word. saying "OK Google, Open MYAPP -> we don't need to do anything on your behalf. Google Assistant will open the app. ...
Deva's user avatar
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App actions doesn't work with google assistant for Internal testing version

I developed an application with react-native and I add app actions to the application. I followed instructions on docs and test the app by App Action Test Tools (AATT) and it worked pretty well (the ...
Shab63's user avatar
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4 votes
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Google Assistant Android Studio Plugin unable to recognize shortcuts.xml

I'm using Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 1. I followed this codelab to implement Google Assistant App Actions. But for some reason, it's giving me the following error, whenever I try to build ...
Vivek Vashistha's user avatar
4 votes
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Want to apply Google Voice Assistant for media app(Music player App) like "play song in my app"

Want to apply Google Voice Assistant for media app(Music player App) like "play song in my app" tried but this is also not working for for google voice ...
Dipti Agravat's user avatar
4 votes
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App Actions: Displaying a widget in Google Assistant via a dynamic shortcut

My question is relatively simple considering the options shown in the official documentation and code labs but i've been struggling to make it work. I want to trigger a widget to be shown in Google ...
AsafK's user avatar
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Media playing commands on Google Assistant are not launching my app

I’m having some trouble getting Google Assistant to play media for my media app. I have verified using the Media Controller Tester app that the play actions are working. I am able to use Open Feature ...
Katie B's user avatar
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3 votes
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Error getting Home Graph: sync error: 403: Please make sure you have resourcemanager.projects.get permission in Google Smart Home Action Test Suite

I have completed all the procedures in the development process of the Google Smart Home action including Invocation, Actions, and Account linking. However when I try to test the same, If I go to test ...
KIRAN KUMAR B's user avatar
3 votes
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Google assistant is not detecting my application

I'm trying to implement google assistant app actions in the flutter. I'm referring to this link and building the application. I have ...
thinkcode's user avatar
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Google actions builder - how to read from webhook request and avoid empty response

When I call webhook using PHP, I get this message while testing. Sorry, I didn't get any response Attached my webhook request json and and php code if($method == 'POST') { $requestBody = ...
Bala Chandar's user avatar

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