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Is the Google Assistant SDK deprecated?/How to make API calls to Google Assistant?

I've gotten confused by the terminology of some of Google's products. "Conversational Actions" has been deprecated. Does that mean the entire Google Assistant SDK is deprecated? https://...
Jacob Allen's user avatar
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Google Home Notification

I want to create a script that fetches some data from an external API. The data contains prayer times. I want to send a broadcast to my Google Home mini 15 minutes before every prayer time. I wanted ...
Amri's user avatar
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Google Home Assistant Action - Reviewer can't access

We are trying to wrap up a Google Home/Assistant Action release for a "works with google" device set. We had add 2FA (Pin) per google requirements and this triggered a manual review. The ...
AACodeJ's user avatar
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How to Develop Applications for Google Home Devices in 2024

I have been working on creating an Alexa Skill as part of a larger project. Now, I need to develop a similar application for Google Home devices. Initially, I thought this would be straightforward ...
Xito A's user avatar
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Can Google Assistant (still) be integrated with a Flutter or Android app?

I'm working on integrating Google Assistant for an Android app built using Flutter. I want to trigger some code in the app using a phrase like "Hey Google, check status in My Cat app". It ...
tudor's user avatar
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Android, how to launch application via Google Assistant?

I'm implementing an application and they are providing their app through their Website, not from Google Play Console. I just wanted to integrate Google Assistant into that application. All I need to ...
testivanivan's user avatar
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Google Assistant being extremely intrusive in my Django website

I have a homepage where the text - when clicked triggers Google Assistant to translate it, and this is very bad experience for the user. I have tried to set the website language so GoogleAssistant don'...
ratioaryan's user avatar
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Make SpeechRecognizer ignore text-to-speech being played out loud while listening

My experimental code below (compileSdk 34, minSdk 33), works well as far as text-to-speech and speech-recognition are considered separately: package com.example.speechandspeak; import android....
ususer's user avatar
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Can't launch the App from Google Assistant in Android

I was trying to launch my application from Google Assistant. They say that we need to publish our application and nothing else is required. Reference:
Rohan Pande's user avatar
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Google Actions account linking for different Env

I have a live Google action that is working fine with my prod env with my fulfillment URL, Authorization URL and token URL pointing to my Prod server. I have made some changes on my backend and want ...
Manjunath Rao's user avatar
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Unknown issue with Adafruit AOI on Python

I was trying to make an automation for turning my PC on using IFTTT + Google Assistant, and Adafruit. I Wrote the script, but here comes a problem. This script works fine when I don't need it, but ...
Маврикий's user avatar
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How to create a simple “Hello World” Action on Google Assistant in 2024?

I’ve already created a Skill for Alexa and now I’m starting my studies in developing Actions for Google Assistant. However, I’m having trouble creating a simple Action. Even after following the video “...
Sandro Henriques's user avatar
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Issue with "InputValue" on Google home script editor YAML

Greeting all, I'm recently playing with Google Home Script Editor, and I wanted to use the "Input" structure so I can avoid repeating my devices name. Yet I have this error, I've checked the ...
AlonsoFloo's user avatar
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Google Assistant App Action Integration in android app from Close Beta Test

I've been developing an android app with app action integration in it. The action type i've been using are Custom Intent on the shortcut.xml, with an example command like: "Transfer money on my ...
Muhammad Refri's user avatar
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Google HomeGraph API: "Request Entity Not Found" error when reporting device state

I'm working with the Google HomeGraph API to report the state of my smart home devices. However, every time I try to report the state, I receive a "Request Entity Not Found" error, even ...
Ahmed Abouemaira's user avatar

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