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Assigning videos in Google Classroom [closed]

I have assigned youtube and other links to my Google classroom. From my end, teacher's, the videos play without ads and extras at the end. From the students' end the ads and extras play. how do I turn ...
Liz Bryan's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get all coursework due in the future with Google Classroom API? [closed]

I want to fetch all coursework currently due and insert it, formatted, into a Google Sheet. That means all coursework that has a due date in the future. I've never used the Google Classroom API. How ...
Cool Scratcher's user avatar
1 vote
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google oauth2 scopes and consent dialog UI if I fire off the consent WITHOUT the scopes 'profile' and 'email'. I will still get the UI. Saying "By continuing, ...
developer gubo's user avatar
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How can I add a student ( to a Classroom class created inside my organization via Apps Script?

I have admin permissions in an Google Workspace organization, and I want to invite an external user ( as a student in a Classroom class, using Classroom API inside Google Apps Script. ...
Pion Developer's user avatar
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How can I be able to make groups in my classes?

One of the teachers in my building showed me where she could make groups when assigning classwork to students. There is not that option on mine. I have tried going to the "People" tab and ...
Danelle Smith's user avatar
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Questions about using the Classroom Api to submit content for student assignments

I'm trying to use Google Classroom's Rest resources ( to implement a student posting ...
梦尽m's user avatar
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Google Classroom iframe, compare login_hint with signed in user

The Test Plan doc for Google Classroom Add-ons says ■ If you receive the login_hint query parameter, you must display a Google-branded sign-in button if the login_hint query parameter does not match ...
Mark Zamoyta's user avatar
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Google API in DotNet Core, set up ClassroomService

I can't figure out how to set up dot net ClassroomService based on the sample Python code: classroom_service = serviceName="classroom" version="...
Mark Zamoyta's user avatar
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What's the right way to get a Test Account for developing a Google Classroom Add-On?

My company already has an existing web application that is used by many instructors and institutions. It has been popularly requested that we offer Google Classroom integration via add-on (similar to ...
Jazz's user avatar
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Unable to execute Google Classroom API script due to possible threat detection

I work in the ICT department of a university. At the beginning of each semester, I need to create Google Classroom courses and enroll members based on the university's course data. I have been using a ...
kztk's user avatar
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Google Classroom API: courses.courseWork.list returning empty object

I am currently signed in as a student authenticated with the API scopes "", ".../auth/", &...
JimIsWayTooEpic's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I find the Classroom that a Sheet was opened in, using bound code in the Sheet?

Within a Classroom, an assignment has been created that contains a Sheet, which each student has a copy. I am trying to find a way, within the GAS bound to the sheet, to determine which Classroom ...
David Lee's user avatar
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I cannot find work in a folder when assigning it in classroom

I have a folder in drive with all the work in it. I had spent several hours organizing it. When I go to assign something on Google Classroom, and try to attach work through the drive folder, the ...
Lori Chamberlin's user avatar
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Evaluate Google Classroom Assignments Created Outside of Developer Console Project

I'm developing a web application in node express where users can manage their Google Classroom classes through OAuth 2 authentication. Everything has been going well until I encountered the issue that ...
ejooroo's user avatar
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is there a google classroom api answer to multiple choice submission function?

I want to submit google classroom answer to multiple choice question submission. but I could not get any function to do that. however I can do assignment submission using modifyAttachments function. I ...
user24304127's user avatar

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