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how can i save a video produced with cv2.VideoWriter at Google-Colab to a Google Drive path?

I am trying to somehow copy the "video1.mkv" at a folder called "my folder". There are better ways to copy but my tend is to read "video1.mkv" and create a new video by ...
Mr. Hosseini's user avatar
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How are list the permissions of shared drive in app-script

I'm trying list the permissions of shared drive but several items are undefined function listAllSharedDrives() { let pageToken = null; let page; let pageperm; let contador=0; let idunidad; ...
Antonio Casado's user avatar
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How to use Google App Script to send a PDF file using POST request

I want to use Google Apps Script with a Google Doc to send a PDF file uploaded to Google Drive to an API that I am creating. The API summarizes some of the contents of the text of the PDF file and ...
Mike B.'s user avatar
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Send Google Drive API File Download to OpenAI

I'm trying to send a file from Google Drive to OpenAI API via chat completion I've already authenticated and I'm able to list files and get the file in question. The Google API returns the data as a ...
Jet's user avatar
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Laravel Google drive integration "masbug/flysystem-google-drive-ext": "^2.3.0" package is not working for laravel 11

Laravel Google drive integration "masbug/flysystem-google-drive-ext": "^2.3.0" package is not working for laravel 11 <?php namespace App\Admin\Controllers; use App\Admin\...
VIKAS KATARIYA's user avatar
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Attach several files into mail from Google Form

So at the moment I have a working script that makes sending an email automatically from Google Forms to mail, it also attaches one file when is uploaded in the form but if I upload 2 files or more it ...
Xavier Navarro's user avatar
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Enable Drive and Docs on Google Drive Labels API

The Google Drive Labels API gives the possibility to create, modify and publish a label, but those are useless unless you check the "Drive and Docs" option. Which seems to be impossible via ...
Léandre Blanchard's user avatar
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new `` scope does not work with the drive.files.export method

I'm trying to switch from using the main scope that allows access to the entire Drive to the new more restricted one
Alb Dum's user avatar
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Google Drive API folder/files not refreshing after deleting from Google Drive

I have a html form with input fields to upload files to a Google Drive shared folder via service account (editor permission). It's using Java Google Drive API. After deleting the files/folders in the ...
user115946's user avatar
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Slow Download Speed with Google Drive API Compared to Browser Downloads

I’m experiencing significantly slower download speeds when using the Google Drive API compared to manual downloads via Google Chrome. Here are the details of my situation: Experiment Setup: When ...
Thai HQ's user avatar
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How can I export an image from Google Sheets? [duplicate]

How can I export an image from Google Sheets, specifically from the range A1 to J46? I’ve managed to export it as a PDF by sending the data through the driver (as shown in the example I’ve done), but ...
Thành Khải's user avatar
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Error uploading file to google drive after installing jsonwebtoken (jwt)

Am creating node backend where user can upload file using the multer package, my upload.js: const multer = require("multer"); const { google } = require("googleapis"); const fs = ...
devfreeguy's user avatar
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File Upload with Google Drive

So I'm creating a react application where I want to convert the users conversation into a docx file and then upload it to their Google Drive. I am currently able to convert the chat data to docx file ...
user21837583's user avatar
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Exception: Cannot retrieve next object: the iterator has reached the end

I'm trying to iterate in diferents rows to collect data from users that have answered a Google forms and generate diferent documents with their data. So far I've acomplished that part of my code, but ...
Asier Párraga's user avatar
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Why does Google Drive or Google Photos refuse old camera photos that are deemed 'too small' in file size?

While attempting to upload older photos via the Windows 10 Google Drive program, I got a message that the upload failed because the file size is too small. I don't quite understand why this has been ...
goshchoreograph's user avatar

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