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Access to google drive not being granted under a certain scenario (python api)

I am using oauth google api to authenticate a user and the scope supplied in the request is: "openid email profile". The call is successful and results ...
Ashok Kumar's user avatar
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Download Google Drive file with PHP Symfony

I have already tinkered in several docs and forums and I know that the subject has already been discussed but none of the solutions proposed have helped me resolve my problem. Maybe it's the config ...
Ahmed Kallali's user avatar
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How to check file picked from drive picker is public or private

Problem Statement - I have to open a google drive picker to let user select the file, then I am storing only embed link at database. At view I am showing user the embedded view of that file image, ...
Prathamesh R. Pawar's user avatar
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Accessing the files in a folder of google drive using google oauth

I am trying to create a web application using FastAPI for backend and ReactJS for frontend. I need the users to give me a link of a folder in their google drive in the frontend. I then need to access ...
Ashutosh Chapagain's user avatar
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Google Drive Service Account gets googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: 401 "Request is missing required authentication credential" when authenticating

I am writing a small app to upload files to a shared Google Drive using a service account (JSON file credential, no user impersonation or consent, service account has been granted permission directly)...
user594102's user avatar
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Service Account authentication credentials for Google Drive not working

I create credentials for google service account from json file as follow: using var stream = new FileStream(credentialFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var credentials = ...
Manuel Venè's user avatar
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How to fix CVE-2020-7692 in

I wanted to fix CVE-2020-7692 reported in this CVE is coming from Would it be fine if i only ...
Sumit Negi's user avatar
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"authClient is not a function" in Electron app

I'm relatively new to Electron, and I've been trying to get over this error for the past 5 days. I've tried many of the other posts's answers, but I've had no luck From the Dev Tools window, I get the ...
MarcosLC's user avatar
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Google Drive API - use without json file

I'm working on C# program that will connect to my Google Drive. it's work fine with json file, and enabling the API, but I want that everyone will connect to their Drive. there is a way to do that ...
Ariel P's user avatar
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google OAuth consent screen - Google has not verify this app - "something went wrong"

I'm fetching data from google drive ,first I'm using restricted scope in testing but it give me error that google has not verified this app Future _signinUser() async { final googleSignIn = ...
Abdul hadi's user avatar
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Download Google Drive csv file via Javascript with Google Auth popup providing token?

I want to have some local javascript code hit the google drive api and download a csv of a Google sheet for a simple automation tool. I want a quick OAuth popup to ask the user to accept and then fire ...
EndOfAll's user avatar
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Google Drive - Authenticating with JSONClient using Node

I have succesfully authenticated using OAuth2 and now have an auth token. Loading this token returns me a JSONClient: const authClient = google.auth.fromJSON(credentials); Now trying to use this ...
Kong's user avatar
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Facing an error after changing the Google OAuth restricted scope to non-sensitive scope

I am trying to integrate my web appication with google OAuth. When i modified the restricted scope ( to a non-sensitive scope (
Olivia's user avatar
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Google Drive credential returns 403 insufficientPermissions

I'm trying to get a list of files' data from Drive. Following the google's example didn't work. This is an example of my code: private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = GsonFactory....
lohan's user avatar
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My web app needs multiple OAuth consent screen. Do I have to create another project to create another consent screen?

I have a web app that uses Google Drive API and the end user can choose whether they want to give full access or read-only access (this is crucial). To my knowledge, you can only create a single OAuth ...
Yukinosuke Takada's user avatar

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