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PHPMailer getOAuth2token response to div

Is there a way to redirect the output of PHPMailer's get_oauth_token.php ( into an adot div? I pasted the file from github into ...
Teo76's user avatar
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PHP Laravel Google OAuth gives error for some users

I own I integrated Google login, and it works for me, friends, wife etc. No issues. However one user reported redirect error, and today I got a spike in users and I got a few reporting ...
Ironside Gaming's user avatar
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Google OAuth Refresh Token Expires After 1 Hour (PHP Google Ads API with Laravel)

My Google OAuth refresh token expires after one hour, even though both my OAuth and Google Ads API applications are verified and approved. Both OAuth and Google Ads API apps are verified and approved....
Dennis Adriaansen's user avatar
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Main tab doesn't retain authenticated state after authenticating user in popup window using Laravel Socialite

I am working on a project with TALL Stack where I implemented OAuth2 using Laravel Socialite package. Initially, I made a simple link with the redirect uri. This approach works fine and the user gets ...
Saint's user avatar
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OAUTH_TOKEN_HEADER_INVALID with Google Ads API in PHP using Web client or Service account

I've set up an OAuth2 web project as well as a Service Account. Both IDs have been added with domain-wide delegation with the adwords scope in my Google Workspace. I have a Google Ads Manager account ...
Stephen Rushing's user avatar
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"Invalid state parameter passed in callback URL" error implementing Google OAuth2 in an API REST (PHP & Symfony)

I am developing a REST API with PHP 8.2, Symfony 6.4 and API Platform. I am finishing implementing OAuth with Google using the bundle KnpUOAuth2ClientBundle but I am getting the error that the title ...
Leyleofro's user avatar
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PHP Gmail API access' token expired without login

I am using Google Client class to get access to Gmail API using with the tokens that I have stored in the tokens.json file. When the access token is expired, I have tried this: if ($client->...
chris oojer's user avatar
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PHP Google API OAuth2 JWT request request for access Token says "Invalid JSON payload received"

I'm currently working on a project involving Google Cloud API and JWT, and have an issue: I'm having trouble generating a JWT token to access the Google Cloud API in a Laravel 10 application using the ...
Genetic's user avatar
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Google Ads Api - I can create refresh token only for computer App

I create OAuth creditionals in Google Api Problem is that if I check wep application like on the screen, and after I try to generate refresh token from this command ~/go/bin/oauth2l fetch --...
sadasdadssad's user avatar
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credential_page_library:48 [GSI_LOGGER]: The given origin is not allowed for the given client ID

I am trying to get google oauth working on my php webapp. I'm in dev, on a centos LAMP environment with a URL that is configured to via /etc/hosts on Windows. On https://...
abe1432181's user avatar
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Wrong redirect after success login

I have an application that has been working for several years. Login worked as it should, i.e. after redirection to Google login, access granted. The user was redirected to the address provided via ...
unbreak's user avatar
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Automatically Login Gmail Account

I want to automatically authenticate and login into a Gmail Account via a php script. Since it wont be possible to authenticate via App using username + password from 2024 on, i am looking for a new ...
Mike Twain's user avatar
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Hybridauth set access token invalid

For full context, I have an android application which communicates with a php server. I am able to successfully login to a google account using this function from android level (kotlin): val gso = ...
chks1998's user avatar
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PHP, Google Authentication and need to check validity of access_token on every page

I am a bit confused. I am playing around with Google Authentication in PHP. I have a index.php page which only has the link to my Google Authentication page which is called google-auth.php and is ...
STORM's user avatar
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Google Drive API V3: 404 file not found error on download or export the shared PDF

I'm using Google Drive API V3 with PHP and trying to download or export the file which is shared with me by other person. But getting 404 File Not Found error. Google\Service\Exception: { "error&...
CodeBriefly's user avatar
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