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Laravel 8+, pass request into route manually, is it possible?

I have a Laravel 8 project. I have a route: Route::get('/route-path', 'Client\SomeController@someMethod')->name('MyRouteName'); And it's implementation in SomeController public function someMethod(...
mpaw's user avatar
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How can I get a user's Facebook friends using Laravel Socialite in a test environment?

I'm using Laravel Socialite to handle Facebook authentication in my Laravel application, and I’m working in a test environment only. I have successfully integrated Socialite to allow users to log in ...
Manoj Kodidala's user avatar
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Disable View Composer for Blade TestView?

The client wants the layouts.sidebar.blade.php to have a link for users with a certain role. The AppServiceProvider boots a NotificationComposer for all (*) views. The NotificationComposer has the ...
cookies's user avatar
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Laravel Login as User failed & session folder, file permission issue

Currently, I'm working on the Laravel 8 application. In this, we use Login as another user from admin. recently I've been facing an issue, when I logged in as another user while navigating to pages it ...
Rajkumar's user avatar
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Use of multiple whereHas

I want to do two filters on my data: Take all loans from a specific portfolio Among these, only select those that expire within the deadline. However, during the request, I realized that only the ...
Tomás Abdias's user avatar
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Upgrade Laravel 8 to Laravel 11

Upgrading Laravel 8 to 11: Dependency Issues I'm upgrading a Laravel project from version 8 to 11. Here are my old and new dependencies: Old Dependencies: "require": { "php": &...
ff_gaming's user avatar
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Virtual hosting problem in rocky linux with angular and laravel

I have a Linux server. (it's rocky Linux). I have configured my server with SSL in Apache. I have an angular (version 12) application on my front end. I have a Laravel 8 application (API) for my back ...
HR09's user avatar
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Custom Request Rule Returns Unauthorized

I am creating a simple API to check the requests rules. It always returns 403 unauthorized. Firstly, I run php artisan make:request TestRequest then it will generate two functions, authorize() and ...
Fikri Fadillah's user avatar
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Laravel Attempt to read property "lang" on null

I am trying to run laravel project on my server & it is throwing some error. Same project working fine on other server. Please help me to solve problem. Herewith I am attaching screen shot. ...
GURU's user avatar
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Multiple images in multiple arrays with formData in Laravel 8

I am trying to upload multiple images that I am sending from a form using formData. The form has several sections: The following example would only be 2 sections: <form class="p-1" method=...
Jesus91's user avatar
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Update Profile in Laravel with additional columns

I want to create dynamic auth by adding an update profile function, but after I tried it, nothing changed. I have tried the put and post methods, but the results are still the same. Is there a special ...
Irfan Chaniago's user avatar
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AWS Token Issue with Bref and Laravel on Lambda: Invalid Configuration Value for 'token'

I am using Bref to run Laravel on AWS Lambda, and here is my serverless.yml configuration: service: lambdajob provider: name: aws # The AWS region in which to deploy (us-east-1 is the default) ...
Hadi Aghandeh's user avatar
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Laravel Backpack LIKE query doesn't return any results

I am using laravel backpack 4 and I am facing a quite unusual situation. I am trying to search for values ​​using the like property, so I wrote this code in the setupListOperation method: $this->...
sfarzoso's user avatar
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Real-Time Notification System in Laravel for Receiving and Sending Messages

my problem in that notifications doesn't receive in reel time ,i can receive notifications when i reload my page ,but i want to receive notification without reload page . this is my controller ...
web developer's user avatar
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php warning for zmq in php

I try to use ZeroMQ ( zmq ) in my php (version 8.2.12) PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'zmq' (tried: C:\xampp\php\ext\zmq (The specified module could not be found), C:\xampp\...
Mulyadi's user avatar
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