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webgl: geometry texture missing after gl.bindTexture

there is a textured cube in my scene, and it renders well untill i draw a quad, then cube tuxture is gone, here is the render flow: // draw the texture cube gl.render(scene, camera); // draw a ...
21k's user avatar
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Add normalMap to ShaderMaterial

I am trying to add multiple textures on the same object in Three.js. I have a 3d T-shirt and the following elements as .png for the T-shirt textures: The front, back and sleeves of the T-shirt: The ...
vvalentina96's user avatar
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Apply texture to half of quad

I am working on a scene in threejs that renders an image of a cat. Specifically, I'd like to render a rectangle, and I'd like for the right half of that rectangle to be red, and for the left half of ...
duhaime's user avatar
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Split up R, G and B channels of texture – apply linear filtering to a subset of them in Three.js/WebGL/Shaders

I am working with a height texture that is retrieved from a server. It encodes the overall height value per pixel within the RGB channels. To get a height value per pixel, the R channel is multiplied ...
Georg Molzer's user avatar
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How to use compressedTexSubImage2D with threejs Texture

I try to make a TextureAtlas for threejs using compressedTexture but I cant find a way to get the correct format/internal format The error I get is : glCompressedTexSubImage2D: format does not match ...
Makio64's user avatar
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We are developing a kind of 3D graph. We are using Angular with Three-full NPM ( We are implementing the Nodes as particles and we are drawing them with shaders. ...
D. Martínez's user avatar
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How can I pass a three.js texture as "WebGLTexture" to WEBGL code?

I'm trying to pass a three.js texture to gl.texSubImage WEBGL function and I get the following error: On Chrome: On Firefox: The code follows bellow - the destination texture2 is passed to gl....
user5515's user avatar
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Applying texture to 3D-models in WebGL, using external links [closed]

I have just learnt how to apply texture to my 3D-models in WebGL using .mtl files (and .obj files). Applying texture works great when the image is saved on my computer. Here is an example of what my ....
JoakimNyland's user avatar
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Storing data as a texture for use in Vertex Shader for Instanced Geometry (THREE JS / GLSL)

I'm using a THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry, and I wish to access data in the Vertex Shader, encoded into a Texture. What I want to do, is create a Data Texture with one pixel per instance, which will ...
Jack Wild's user avatar
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THREE.js How to increase texture quality

What are the possible and good ways/best practices/etc to improve texture quality in THREE.js? I have a scene where I have planes(cards) with 512x512px textures. How it looks you can see on images ...
Sergey Sychevskiy's user avatar
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WebGL/THREE.js Reading floating point textures

I was trying to figure out how to read the data from a floating point texture using three.js and I came across this post: I am able to successfully ...
Luple's user avatar
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Three js depth buffer, power of 2 textures?

I am rendering the depthbuffer of my scene to a texture, so that I can use it in a later pass for position and normal reconstruction. My question is whether the fact that the buffer is not power of 2 ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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Incorrect reading from DataTextures in shader

I have a program that works great when my POT DataTextures are 1:1 (width:height) in their texel dimensions, however when they are 2:1 or 1:2 in texel dimensions it appears that the texels are being ...
gromiczek's user avatar
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Weird behavior if DataTextures are not square (1:1)

I have a pair of shader programs where everything works great if my DataTextures are square (1:1), but if one or both are 2:1 (width:height) ratio the behavior gets messed up. I can extend each of the ...
gromiczek's user avatar
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WebGL crashes when generating a texture - OutOfMemory

I currently use Three.js in a bigger web project. Everything works fine and there is no issue with rendering and so on. The only problem I am running into is kind of specific. In a part of my project,...
Dubbox's user avatar
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