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How to customize clang-format for inline multiline lambda after body break before brace

I just updated from llvm 12.0.1 to llvm 18.1.8 and when I run clang-format I am not happy with the modification on inline multiline lambda break before brace : dispatch(this, [this] { if (...
FlikaLB's user avatar
-1 votes
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c++ switches Return inside/outside braces? break? [closed]

In c++ you don't have to put braces {} inside cases in switch statements unless you're declaring a variable. Consider the following code: int Lesson82a() { int test = 1; switch (test) { ...
Lyta Alexander's user avatar
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PowerShell multiple sets of brace expansion? [closed]

Using the stock PS in W10 on a corporate desktop. $PSVersionTable Name Value ...
RonJohn's user avatar
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I am Not understanding why im getting output like this : Understanding Arrays

When i declared some multiple random int variables in the C Programming Language. CASE 1 : using int b=(20,30,400); when i run the code with specifying round braces without declaring an array properly ...
Machani Omesh's user avatar
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Stata randomly produces "program error: code follows on the same line as close brace" only sometimes

I have some Stata code that sometimes produces the error: program error: code follows on the same line as close brace. Other times it runs. What is strange is that the code will run, maybe 80% of ...
Bob's user avatar
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C# VsCode doesn't put braces in new line

The problem is whenever i try to type i.e. a method() then put "{" and "enter" to make both braces go below the method (in new line) then only one goes down and the first stays on ...
Vandal's user avatar
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Brace expansion in zsh - how to concatenate two lists for file selection?

In zsh, one can create an expression of {nx..ny}, for example to select files x to y inside a folder. For example, {1..50} selects items, files, etc. from 1 to 50. How can I concatenate two two brace ...
Philipp's user avatar
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using curly braces in filepaths

Trying to create animation effect by for looping images on a specific file path and found that: THIS WORKS: img=pygame.image.load(f'/img/{self.char_type}/walk/0.png') note 0.png but this DOES NOT: ...
Muppet's user avatar
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How to change the color of braces in JSX & TSX in Intellij 2022.3

I just updated to version 2022.3 of Intellij Ultimate, and the color for braces in jsx/tsx code blocks has turned to yellow, but I want to revert it to the original color.enter image description ...
Spencer Gray's user avatar
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VS Code C# braces NOT on new lines

Can't find a way to make formatters put braces on the same line. The default formatter seems to completely ignore all the settings related to new lines. Some people recommended C# FixFormat extension, ...
Foresteam's user avatar
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Writing in Ruby, testing for matching parentheses, brackets and curly braces

The question says to write a function that takes a string of braces, and determines if the order of the braces is valid. It should return true if the string is valid, and false if it's invalid. All ...
R4V3N's user avatar
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Curly if statement inside curly braces in vue.js

<div class="temp_section" v-for="(item, i) in list" :key="i"> <div>{{ item }}</div> <div class="curr_temp">{{
user19395617's user avatar
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C consecutive(not nested) one-liner for loops not iterating properly [closed]

Final Edit When debugging this code, I would see the first loop line execute n times, but the following lines would execute only once. Only later I would notice that the expected value changes, though,...
101is5's user avatar
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How do I change matching brackets color's highlighting in IntelliJ?

I'm using VS-Code color theme on IntelliJ, and when I place my cursor within a few nested brackets, it becomes almost invisible since the highlighting is the same color as my cursor (see the ...
Magyar_57's user avatar
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python how to output single values from a list of dictionaries

I have a list of dictionaries with the following values: [{'IP Address': '', 'Port': '80', 'Code': 'US', 'Country': 'United States', 'Anonymity': 'elite proxy', 'Google': 'no', 'Https': '...
Emil Budnitskiy's user avatar

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