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Scope overlap of identically-named entities belonging to the same name space

From C23 &sect'6.2.1(4): Every other identifier has scope determined by the placement of its declaration (in a declarator or type specifier). If the declarator or type specifier that declares the ...
user51462's user avatar
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Why is template parent class member variable not visible in derived template class scope? [duplicate]

In the following code, class B inherits from class A using the CRTP pattern, i.e. more specifically, class B inherits from class A<B>. Important to this question: note that function B::...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Setting up new connection using Oauth2.0

While setting up the oauth2.0 connection in event bridge with grant type as ClientCredemtials, how to declare the scope? I tried using http parameters- query string type (key: scope and value: scopes ...
NKA's user avatar
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How to run SCOPE scripts in ADF with C# nuget

Looking at the documentation I see no example of how to run this script against ADLS instance; is there an example of what activity type etc. should be used for this functionality?
Dave L's user avatar
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Problem with recursion interfering with a for loop iterating over a nested array in JavaScript

I have a function in my JavaScript code which iterates over an array called background_check which has elements which are also arrays. I want to see if any element in this nested array is a 0 (each ...
engef2018's user avatar
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Why can't I set this variable from undefined to the data I capture in the conditional statement?

What I am trying to do is move an element in accordance with the scroll top movement, once it appears in the browser. I am trying to capture an initial scroll top value and save that for some math on ...
ells.eastwood's user avatar
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JS Function return undefined why?

I need to add +1 to each card clicked but Function result 3 as undefined why? what is wrong with my code? card2 and card3 function recive each variable inside each click function inside function ...
Otávio Barreto's user avatar
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c++ switches Return inside/outside braces? break? [closed]

In c++ you don't have to put braces {} inside cases in switch statements unless you're declaring a variable. Consider the following code: int Lesson82a() { int test = 1; switch (test) { ...
Lyta Alexander's user avatar
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What is the relation of parent env and the child env in MIT-Scheme?

When we call (environment-lookup system-global-environment name) where system-global-environment is the parent of top-level-environment, will it also look up in its child env? From the doc, it seems ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Variable scope verilog: Why does $display inside the task print the global variable sig and not the local variable sig that was declared within task

When I run this I get sig value = 3 from both the displays Why does the $display within the task take the global variable sig = 3 instead of the local variable sig declared within the task signal = 2? ...
ss77's user avatar
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Why does C# allow variable scope to extend throughout a block regardless of declaration order? [closed]

I am reading a book titled C#10 in a Nutshell by Joseph Albahari OReilly. When describing local variables, the book says the following: int x; { int y; int x; // Error - x already defined ...
aim's user avatar
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Event loop is closed- pytest- FastAPI

In my fastapi application i have written test cases using pytest. My tests folder includes import pytest from fastapi.testclient import TestClient from main import app @pytest.fixture(...
putta's user avatar
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JavaScript scope, clouser and reference [duplicate]

function foo() { var a = 'foo a'; return { a: function() { return this.a; }, b: function() { return a; } } } var a = 'global a'; foo()...
Paweł Praksa's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to use logical operators in C? [duplicate]

int main() { int k; int i = 7; int j = 7; if( i==j) { int k = 1; } else { int k = 0; } printf("%d" , k); } When I try to run this program, ...
arnold's user avatar
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Next.JS ReferenceError variable is not defined

Inside server-side page.tsx I have client-side component SelectType.tsx. And should work like this: User changes value of select component It triggers function inside page.tsx The function should ...
JestAK's user avatar
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