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Is there a Dojo naming convention for classes?

Dojo documentation is using "/" to declare a hierarchy between classes. define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function(declare){ return declare(null, { constructor: function(name, age, residence){ ...
WorkInProgress's user avatar
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How to chain dependencies in an AMD declared Dojo module?

I don't understand how can I chain loader calls when I'm defining a module, since define requires a return but itself does not return anything so I'm not sure what to do. define([ 'require', '...
Mojimi's user avatar
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Fixing Dojo's and JQuery dependant libraries multipleDefine conflict via Javascript

This question has been answered many times before, and I know one solution is to simply change it so (Esri's)dojo is the last one to load. Problem is I'm working on a modular widget that has no ...
Mojimi's user avatar
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Dojo AMD not loading custom module

I'm trying to make a web application using the ArcGIS API, Dojo, and Flask. I want to start by making a "file uploads" dialog, which I am trying to define as its own module using the Dojo 1.7 AMD ...
Ron Suprun's user avatar
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Circular dependencies in Dojo cause stack overflow issue when trying to pack them with r.js

My project contains some legacy Dojo code under the hood. And unfortunately, some of these Dojo modules use circular dependencies. To be more specific, dojo/dom-construct depends on dojo/dom-attr, ...
John Slegers's user avatar
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Dojo build system doesn't know what to do with the "paths" property in my config

I have the following AMD config for my project : var amdconfig = { baseUrl: __AMD_CONFIG_BASE_URL__, packages: [ {name: "loader", location: "./samples/lib/requirejs"}, {name: "dojo", ...
John Slegers's user avatar
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requirejs call outside function with same dependancy

How do I call a function with the same dependancy from outside the function? The dependancy is not global it seems so the called function does not know about FeatureLayer require( [ "esri/map", "esri/...
Björn Paulström's user avatar
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Loading in a custom Typescript class through dojo not working

I've got a custom class that I'd like to kick off, using the Dojo loader. I seem close, but there seems to be an issue with what gets injected. My dojoConfig points to the correct script, this works ...
adam3039's user avatar
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Using RequireJS to load dojo modules

I am hosting ArcGIS JS API 4.1 locally in my project, so I have build the esri componenet and I have added the path in my requireJS config file. I also wanted to build the dojo folder, so basically ...
mddev's user avatar
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Using ESRI Javascript 4.0 API with Require JS

I am running into some issues when switching my application from the Beta 3 version of the 4.0 ArcGIS Javascript API to the new release of the 4.0 Javascript API. I had a working map when using the ...
user501211's user avatar
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Dojo and RequireJS : Error: defineAlreadyDefined(…) when using both on a site

I've attempting to create a custom embeddable widget that my users can include on their website. We provide the code and then add it to their site and then they get access to a bunch of custom ...
Layke's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "./has!dom-addeventlistener?:./aspect" in a dependency?

I am using dojo toolkit in a project and it uses require.js to load scripts. In on.js, it loads the following scripts: define(["./has!dom-addeventlistener?:./aspect", "./_base/kernel", "./sniff"], ...
Sionnach733's user avatar
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RequireJS and Dojo conflicts

We are developing widgets using AngularJS and RequireJS. These widgets are imported inside an application which uses Dojo which internally has Require implementation. Because of this architecture, ...
Jose Anand's user avatar
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RequireJS Optimer Ignore Plugins

I am writing an app that uses a dojo api which is hosted. I'm writing the rest of my app using AMD to fit nicely with Dojo's amd loader. I want to use some of the AMD loading plugins that dojo ...
ssylviageo's user avatar
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Is it possible to load a custom dojo build with RequireJS?

Working on a project which uses RequireJS, and loads dojo / dijit / dojox / dgrid using Require rather than the Dojo loader. I'm trying to optimize the javascript to reduce http calls, and RequireJS ...
dave-o's user avatar
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