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I have SVG file contain a normal rectangle

I have SVG file containing a normal rectangle <polygon id="REC1" class="cls-1" points="227.02 .25 141.98 .25 141.98 385 227.02 385 227.02 .25"/> my question is how ...
blly Rt's user avatar
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3 answers

Why can <image> inside <svg> be :focus'ed?

I have an <image> element within an <svg> element, embedded into HTML markup. Somehow the <image> element gets :focus'ed when I navigate through the page with the Tab button. And it ...
Shtole's user avatar
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how can I use SVG in nunjucks templates

I would like to create a nunjucks template to load SVG dynamically from a directory, by passing the icon name the template should render the contents of SVG using javascript tried with {{% include &...
kishore kumar's user avatar
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How to Convert SVG Icon String to React Component in WordPress?

I'm working on a WordPress project where I allow users to select SVG icons from a set. After an icon is selected, its SVG markup is stored in the Redux store as a string. I need to render this stored ...
sanjeev gwachha's user avatar
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Error messages for static SVG files after next.js update to 14.2.12

We have a next.js app, that is using version 14.1.4. The app also uses some static SVG files and renders them using the next.js Image component. In the next.consig.js file we set dangerouslyAllowSVG: ...
Christoph Lühr's user avatar
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How is this React component library able to use drag and drop on SVGs?

First off, this is NOT a duplicate of all those other questions trying to implement drag and drop for svgs and answerers telling them they can't - somehow this code I'm reading HAS done it, and I can'...
Aaron's user avatar
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How to trigger SVG render same as manual DOM edit in Chrome using JS?

When I modify the DOM structure of an SVG element within an HTML document in Chrome via JS (specifically using replaceWith or appendChild to bring in new content), although the Chrome Elements tree ...
Adam Fuller's user avatar
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SVG overlay on background video CSS

Im having trouble having a svg overlay take up 100% width, but modifying the height so it aligns where i need it to so the curve is visible over the video see screenshot. What is the best way to ...
user15096327's user avatar
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How do I change the colors of a SVG file in WPF?

I am trying to make an electoral college interactive map as one of my first programs in WPF. So far I have experimented with using SharpVectors to import the SVG images into XAML. While that works, I ...
Quentin Horn's user avatar
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Generate SVG image of highchart Scatter chart using highchart Configuration

I am trying to generate a svg image of high chart using a high chart configuration. Configuration contains symbol a as customize svg 64 bit string but this configuration gives me error "...
sourabh's user avatar
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How can I transform this SVG code to not use <defs> but still achieve the same result?

I have a SVG that I need to make work in godot engine. Godot doesn't see any SVGs that contain "defs" or other complicated stuff. My question is how can I change this SVG code to remove < ...
j. cole's user avatar
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How to create a repeating SVG pattern?

I have been given a design that uses this pattern in the background of a website I think an SVG pattern would be ideal for something like this. I can make an individual column of these shapes, but I ...
Chris Barr's user avatar
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Blazor Webassembly Draw Interactive Lines Using Svg

I create a new blazor web app project like this: ( It has 2 projects in 1 solution. When I wanted to get the mouse coordinates on the Client side of my project, I ...
user27339040's user avatar
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Cannot apply colors to the SVG in Go with gotrace [closed]

I'm trying to write an PNG to SVG converter by taking this code as an example. Wasted 2 days but still cannot figure out the problem. inspectImage works successfully, and I get the colors. So the ...
kozhioyrin's user avatar
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SVG tracks mouse issue with Javascript

I have A SVG with two eyes where each pupil tracks the mouse position. The issue is, the two eyes acts individually and not as a group. For example if you position the cursor between both eyes, the ...
Mathieu Préaud's user avatar

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