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3 answers

How to evaluate conditionals not deterministic (random order) in Racket/Scheme?

How do I evaluate this code un-deterministically? (cond (correct-1? do-thing-1) (correct-2? do-thing-2) (correct-3? do-thing-3)) For example, if correct-1? and correct-3? are true, then I ...
Daaninator's user avatar
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Getting wrong answer for cube-root procedure in Scheme [closed]

I wrote this code to compute the cube root of a number in Scheme: (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (abs x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x)) (define (cube x) (* x x x)) (define (cube-root-itr guess x) (...
Mohammad Abdullah Khan's user avatar
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Unbound variable error in cube root function

The code is as follows: (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (abs x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x)) (define (sqrt-iter guess x) (if (good-enough? guess x) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x))) ...
Mohammad Abdullah Khan's user avatar
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Using top level bindings in modules in a program that uses C and Guile cooperation

I have a .c program which starts a Guile repl. It then defines some wrappers using the scm_c_define_gsubr function. Then it loads an init .scm file. In this .scm file I load some modules. These ...
wos's user avatar
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Adding one careless dot in Scheme code works with one weird result without throwing syntax errors [duplicate]

Recently when I am coding my homework using Scheme language, I carelessly added one dot. Here is one minimal demo: (define (test value) (vector-map (lambda (elem) (cond ((number?...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Dates in chez-scheme according to the gregorian calendar (< 01.01.1970)

I need to work with dates that contain birth dates. The program must therefore be able to process dates before 1970. Otherwise I would not be able to calculate the age of a person who was born in 1955,...
Sem-Joe's user avatar
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What is the relation of parent env and the child env in MIT-Scheme?

When we call (environment-lookup system-global-environment name) where system-global-environment is the parent of top-level-environment, will it also look up in its child env? From the doc, it seems ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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How to write `compose` similar to that in SDF with python?

Recently when I self-learnt MIT 6.5151 course, I first read CS 61AS Unit 0 as the preparation. Then I have read SICP 1 to 2.1 (with related lecture notes) as ps0 requires (also read 2.2.1 as CS 61A ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Weird definition of `close-enuf?` in Software Design for Flexibility

MIT 6.5151 course code base based on book Software Design for Flexibility has the following definition: (define (close-enuf? h1 h2 tolerance) (n:<= (n:magnitude (n:- h1 h2)) (n:* .5 ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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One way to construct graph adjacency list based on adjacency pairs similar to `fold` in MIT Scheme

Recently when I self-learnt MIT 6.5151 course, I first read CS 61AS Unit 0 as the preparation. Then I have read SICP 1 to 2.1 (with related lecture notes) as ps0 requires (also read 2.2.1 as CS 61A ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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2 answers

How is nested variable argument interpreted in Scheme?

The following minimal example is based on this code block: (define (nested_var_arg . (arg_1 . args)) (if (list? args) (begin (displayln "args") (displayln args)) (if (...
An5Drama's user avatar
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How to make the variable loaded in one loaded file available in Scheme?

I have the following directory structure (minimal demo): main.scm (load "regex_utils.scm") (displayln "test") ... regex_utils.scm (load "utils.scm") ... ; load many ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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"The object square is not applicable" but `square` is one internal procedure in MIT-Scheme

Recently when I self-learnt MIT 6.5151 course, I first read CS 61AS Unit 0 as the preparation. Then I have read SICP 1 to 2.1 (with related lecture notes) as ps0 requires (also read 2.2.1 as CS 61A ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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How to use `reduce` with `and` in MIT-Scheme? [duplicate]

Recently when I self-learnt MIT 6.5151 course, I first read CS 61AS Unit 0 as the preparation. Then I have read SICP 1 to 2.1 (with related lecture notes) as ps0 requires (also read 2.2.1 as CS 61A ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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"Ill-formed syntax: (define (expmod a num num) ((exptmod num) a num))" in Scheme

I am learning SICP up to chapter 2.2.1 now. I have the following code: (define (modular n op) (lambda (a b) (modulo (op a b) n))) (define (exptmod p) (let ((mod* (modular p *))) (define (...
An5Drama's user avatar
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