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Auto rotate the client secrets of SPNs

I have an app registration created and we are utilising this SPN client credentials (client id and secret) to acess the REST API of an azure resource. The SPN is used to generate a token to ...
user1574187's user avatar
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Password authentication failed Azure Function as Managed Identity with Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server

I have Azure Function with System Identity, Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server with the identity in Azure. For the test purposese PosttgreSQL allows public access. I am able to connect to ...
tridy's user avatar
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Use managed identity to access storage account with persistent volume in AKS

I face the following situation: I would like to access a storage account using Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) but without an access to the storage account's access key. Hence,...
László Marton's user avatar
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Authenticate to SQL Server with Azure app service managed identity through group

We have a Azure VM with SQL Server, and we also have an app service web application. The app service has a managed identity since we toggled this on: Now I want to authenticate this app service to ...
John's user avatar
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Managed Identity for Cosmos DB: "Local Authorization is disabled. Use an AAD token to authorize all requests"

I am trying to disable local authentication for my Cosmos DB and use Managed Identity for my Web App and Function App which connects to it. I have granted both apps the Cosmos DB Built-in Contributor ...
pumpkinchugger's user avatar
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console application with user token with MSAL in c#?

I have console application and want to create MSAL token. I tried below code # IPublicClientApplication app; app = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId).WithAuthority(authority).Build(); ...
Maulik Dave's user avatar
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Assigning data-plane RBAC to Cosmos DB?

I am trying to create a data-plane role assignment for my Cosmos DB for my Azure Web App / Function app to access using their System-Assigned Managed Identity. I have tried assigning the Cosmos DB ...
pumpkinchugger's user avatar
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Aquire Access token while in Private Network in Azure

I have an azure function which need to talk to Azure Synapse instance, all of them are not allowed to talk to internet. I am trying to use Managed Identity (with DefaultAzureCredential) in Azure Func ...
Sampath's user avatar
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My ASP.NET MVC app keeps on endlessly spinning after implementing CosmosClient from namespace Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos

My ASP.NET MVC app keeps on endlessly spinning after implementing CosmosClient from namespace Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos. Logic to Initialize CosmosClient : static CosmosClient client; public void ...
Vigneash Selvaraj's user avatar
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Reduce expiry time for Azure Managed Identity

Need a way to generate an Azure Managed Identity token with shorter expiry time. Today I am using the following curl command to fetch my Managed Identity token . This token is valid for 24 hrs by ...
user713918's user avatar
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Is Managed identity authentication possible in DocumentClient class from namespace Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client [duplicate]

My team uses below snippet to initialize DocumentClient object, for security reasons we need to use user assigned managed identity for authentication instead of access key authentication. is that ...
Vigneash Selvaraj's user avatar
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Multi Container Azure App services not able to access Cosmos NoSql with Managed Identity

I am building a multi container app, deployed on Azure App services with 'docker compose',assigned an identity (user assigned managed identity) and gave RBAC to principal Id to access the cosmos ...
Rishi Prakash's user avatar
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Why I my Azure Container App cant access ACR

Hi guys I have an issue. I pushed my docker image to ACR and when I tried to configure it in Container app to create a container to deploy it in Cotainer Apps Env..It throw me an error saying that ‘...
Yusry Yesneen's user avatar
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Azure Bot: Failed to acquire token for client credentials

I have hosted Azure Bot and AppService connected to it. With MicrosoftType = MultiTenant, everything worked fine. After that I decided to add MicrosoftType = UserAssignedMSI with Managed Identity. ...
Solomiia Kalinchuk's user avatar
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Programmatically creating ACI from .NET Core using TokenCredential

I am attempting to programmatically create an ACI instance in .NET Core, with a simple container as below. I have to point to a private ACR to use with ACI, and the private ACR should be accessed with ...
Lalman's user avatar
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