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Exclude/hide Azure DevOps agent VMSS instances from Defender

We run Microsoft365 Defender for a variety of things, including endpoint and VM scanning. One annoyance we experience is that we can't find an easy way to filter out (or suppress entirely) Defender's ...
sam256's user avatar
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Need to link ( two azure repo git) new repository is "app repo2" with existing build pipeline which is linked to repository is "app repo1" [closed]

Could you please help on this? Need to link ( two azure repo git) new repository is "app repo2" with existing build pipeline is "service-webapp" which is linked to repository is &...
veer's user avatar
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Azure DevOps REST API: Permissions Not Updating Despite Successful Response

Question: I am trying to update permissions for a pipeline in Azure DevOps using the REST API, but although I get a 204 No Content response, the permissions are not actually being applied or updated. ...
Shashank's user avatar
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A Single API being deployed as multiple APIs on a single instance of Azure APIM to save costs of infrastructure set up. Is this a good practice [closed]

Consider the image as an example where I have an API that I want to deploy on an Azure APIM with its policies in place. The policies in Azure APIM also have namedvalues and backends configured. I want ...
santosh vatsavai's user avatar
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Azure pipelines: abstract away parameters

I have a pipeline that deploys the application to kubernetes, however I strongly dislike having to give the connection type, azure subscription endpoint, resource group, namespace, cluster, etc. for ...
yoshivda's user avatar
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Using Azure Devops deploy release to multiple repos

so I am trying to deploy changes from my CoreDb repo , that's a SQL database project to a release. This release would just be script changes that multiples countries would grab into their repos and ...
Dorkly's user avatar
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How to export secret variables inside Azure DevOps Release during Bash script from file execution

I have a script that change variables in files to expected values. It works if I use inline option of bash script. It crush during execution of filePath. export VersionTag=${BUILD_BUILDNUMBER} export ...
Piotr Łączykowski's user avatar
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Exit docker compose only when a specific container is finished

I have a docker compose setup that I use for running tests on a component. I start the necessary background services (ie. DB) and run the tests. As I am running this in an Azure CI/CD pipeline, I use ...
Tharindu Weerasinghe's user avatar
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How to consume docker image saved as artifact in Azure Pipeline from previous job/stage

In Azure Pipeline, how do I load image directly for job in subsequence stage as container? Eg. saved image from previous stage - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(...
xtremeHitori's user avatar
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How to Add Visual Studio 2022 to DevOps 2019 build pipeline options

Trying to add Visual Studio 2022 to the option list for a visual studio build task in a build pipeline. So far this is not working. We want to build projects using .NET Framework 4.8.1 using build ...
Matt's user avatar
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To make DBT source.yml file dynamic

I want to set database name in source.yml file dynamically in DBT Currently, I am executing it via AzureADO current source file is version: 2 sources: - name: source database: db1 I want to ...
Rajas Patil's user avatar
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Sending Notification in Teams using Webhook and Power Automate

I have a devops pipeline which scans the KeyVaults and send notification in a Teams Channel if there are any Secrets/Certificates have expired/about to expire. Since I am using the new Workflows to ...
Sumit Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Using job output variables in Azure Pipeline condition

I have a multiple pipelines which trigger a deployment pipeline with multiple different deployments. I would like to be able to conditionally run deployments based on what pipeline has triggered the ...
Bumbling-buffoon's user avatar
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Restore all nuget packages in Azure pipeline YML

I have a MAUI application that is stored in a Github repo. Along with that repo there is a custom nuget package also stored in Github Packages. I have no problems with all needed processes when in ...
Orgbrat's user avatar
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Jobs are not running in parallel in Azure DevOps

I have 2 parallel jobs allowed by Azure DevOps (private project, 1 default + 1 for Visual Studio subscription). I have a stage with ~20 jobs with no interdependencies. I have a VMSS-based agent pool ...
Mike's user avatar
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