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In Java, is it possible to concatenate the contents of two PDF files in order to concatenate the visible contents of the files? [duplicate]

I have a back-end Java application that grabs the contents of PDF files from a blob in the database, and puts them into a byte[] array to be able to download. My end goal - if possible - is to append ...
Tim's user avatar
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29 views client disconnects with "transport error" immediately after successful connection

I’m working on a web app with a Python Flask backend that uses Flask-SocketIO for WebSocket connections, and the frontend client is built with React using the library. Everything ...
awdreg's user avatar
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SharePoint authentication using a certificate and http POST method

Recent changes (circa. 2024-09-09) implemented by Microsoft are preventing my script from authenticating with SharePoint Online (SPO) using a username and password. I believe I now have to do the ...
user2793947's user avatar
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Flutter HTTP not fetching any data - blank frozen screen is shown on app startup

I am running Flutter app on Windows 11 using Android studio Koala. Issue: I am seeing the blank screen on app startup. This is the page I've tried to follow, but blank screen appears:
DktPhl2018's user avatar
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Binance 400 bad request using Boost::Beast

Sup folks, I have no clue why the binance server is responding with error 400 when using boost::beast library. I tried the same http request using openssl and it works fine. This is the error im ...
Mr.kitty's user avatar
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How can I loop through the returned data from a http.get() angular call?

So getallaccounts() calls and returns from a service via http.get('address')...I'm getting that RES has no length.. I am getting back an array...confused.... ngOnInit() { this.requestService....
BostonMacOSX's user avatar
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IP used behind a proxy [closed]

I'm developing an application that make HttpRequest to collect data from websites. I precise that it's not hacking, just scraping which is legal ;). In order to avoid exposing my own IP, I use a proxy ...
Corabox's user avatar
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Pushing SQL records to HTTP API with some customization using Azure Data Factory (ADF)

I am new to Azure Data Factory. The requirement that I am working on is to read records from Azure SQL database and send those records in JSON to some HTTP API(external). So, I am using a Lookup ...
Anand's user avatar
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Libcurl multi-interface: curl is reusing HTTP connections even if the headers of the easy handlers are different

I have an application that needs to do some HTTP GET requests to some server. However, before doing any GET request, I need to first do an HTTP POST request to the same server to get a token, and with ...
ABu's user avatar
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SIM7600 and ESP32-S3 can't get long HTTPS requests

I'm trying to make a module that both works with WiFi and SIM7600 module. The module receives a long (~300 KB) JSON file from an HTTPS server and saves it to flash memory. The function that works with ...
Barkın Sarıkartal's user avatar
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Can a basic reverse proxy be made with fastAPI like that?

Let's assume I have an environment where I cannot use existing solutions for reverse proxies like nginx, traefik and so on. On top, I can't use containerization. But I want to make a basic DIY reverse ...
UwU's user avatar
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Weird response coming from an API

I'm building an API aggregation web server. The idea of the project is like rapid API but with a dynamic headers, body..etc the problem is pretty simple I got a weird response when sending a request ...
abdallah mostafa's user avatar
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iOS App - Runs great on first install, poor network subsequent runs, restarting 4 times in a row "fixes" it (until next time)

I made a mobile app using Flutter. This app is data heavy (API and map tiles). It always works on Android, iOS simulators, and Windows. But on a physical iOS device, (both release and debug modes), ...
user1770223's user avatar
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Can socks5 proxies work similiar to http connect?

I have difficulties understanding socks5 proxies. I would like to know if I can avoid socks5 proxies to see the traffic between the client and destination. I would like to achieve something similiar ...
Jhon's user avatar
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How to filter a Firebase query whether or not the query parameter exists

How can I adjust the Firebase query expression below to accommodate missing query parameters? admin.firestore().collection('vehicles').where('type', '==', request.query['car']) The expression above ...
IMOsiris's user avatar
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