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why offline_access scope is needed to request refresh token in IdentityServer (OAuth2)?

I have to set AllowOfflineAccess = true to get refresh token public static class Config { public static IEnumerable<Client> Clients => new Client[] { new ...
user25521292's user avatar
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why Relying Party doesn't honour IdentityServer's `IdentityTokenLifetime` setting?

I set IdentityTokenLifetime ( to a very small value 60 seconds, but ...
user25521292's user avatar
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Blazor Web App and Duende IdentityServer keeps getting logged out

I've set up the following, Duende IdentityServer (IDP) API Blazor Web App (.Net 8) The Web App consists of a Server and Client project. When logging in I get authenticated and able to retrieve data ...
Kman's user avatar
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Identity server redirection problems on the same browser instance

I have a problem when I use many account in the same instance of browser. In the first connection from my site to the client site, the authorize endpoint is invoking, and I have in the log: "No ...
Joseph Khoury's user avatar
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window.addEventListener('load',... does not trigger on Chrome on iOS (iPad)

We are using identity Server 4. We are using .NET Core RazorPages web-applications. They authenticate via openid-connect While authentificating,the client is redirected to a html page with a hidden ...
Hagen Munsch's user avatar
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In Identity Server, How to silently re-sign in an already logged session?

I had a configuration client + handler that worked only with cookies. I have many users already logged with that cookies That configuration didn't emit tokens, then I changed the client + handler to ...
Erick Asto Oblitas's user avatar
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Identity Server 4 add saml2 client

We have an identity server 4 as our identity provider. It uses openId and we have all the clients configured using the OpenId protocol. We have a portal that uses one of these clients for ...
Krishna Mistry's user avatar
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Call Databricks Api from IdentityServer4 client

I am using IdentityServer4 with Microsoft Entra Id as my external login provider. I want to access Databricks api via IdentityServer4. I have registered IdentityServer4 in Entra and configured ...
Hemanath's user avatar
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IdentityServer4 "Unknown location" when redirecting to client

I am using IdentityServer application as an external provider. After redirecting from IdentityServer back to my application I am getting "500 unable to unprotect message state. Unknown location&...
Ivan Trepashka's user avatar
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IdentityServer 4 - idsrv and idsrv.session cookies blocked on signin-oidc call

I'm working with IDS4 behind a reverse proxy. I find these IdentityServer cookies blocked on the signin-oidc call: Blocked Cookies ( The error msg on the cookies is: &...
msdev52's user avatar
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How can I get the access token from IdentityServer4 for an external login user which does not even have a password?

I am able to call or redirect to IdentityServer endpoint "GoogleLogin" from my SPA using html anchor tag href. And then, I got redirected to Google sign-in screen, on a successful sign-in, ...
Ahasanul Banna's user avatar
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Does Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount validate claims to mitigate N0Auth?

When using the Nuget package "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount" (, does this follow ...
cowlinb6's user avatar
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.NET 5 Unable to unprotect the message.State when trying the sign-in callback

We are running an Azure app service (linux) which is used for authentication and authorization. It is using Microsoft Identity to use Azure AD authentication, so we are using Azure ad oidc. Couple of ...
doe.doe's user avatar
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Wildcards support for AllowedCorsOrigins in IdentityServer4

I use IdentityServer4 to login to my app using authorization_code flow. I need to add support of wildcards for AllowedCorsOrigins in IdentityServer4 client configuration. I created my implementation ...
ant's user avatar
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How to Get Rid of Unwanted Issued Cookie Claims in IdentityServer4

I am using IdentityServer4 with id_token flow. At the moment, I am only storing about 2 custom claims, but my cookie is already nearing size limit 3623/4093 bytes, because apparently IdentityServer4 ...
Emre Bener's user avatar
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