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OS X Ventura TypeError: libmemcached does not support SASL

I'm using Flask_Caching 2.0.1 in a Flask app, which uses pylibmc, which uses libmemcached 1.0.18_2 on OS X Ventura 13.0.1. Either the libmemcached that comes standard or using brew install ...
sunday_funday's user avatar
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Installing Python pylibmc on Windows fails with "Cannot open include file: 'libmemcached/memcached.h'"

I apparently need memcached to use pylibmc with Django but it keeps popping fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'libmemcached/memcached.h': No such file or directory I saw this question and ...
NaturalBornCamper's user avatar
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Python pylibmc syntax / how can I use mc.set in a loop

I want to set keys in a for loop, and read them back in another script also using a loop. To test memcache is working I made these simple scripts: import pylibmc mc = pylibmc.Client([""...
kopke's user avatar
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issue in installing pylibmodbus and cffi

I am not able to install pylibmodbus library as cffi is not installed. If I try to install cffi I get the following issue pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pip3 install cffi Collecting cffi Using cached https://...
shan's user avatar
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unable to install pylibmc on windows

I am trying to install pylibmc using "pip install pylibmc" on my windows 10 machine but I am getting the following error. I need to know if there is any way to install libmemcached on windows 10 as I ...
Yashpal Singh's user avatar
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Not able to install python-libmemcached on windows

I have been trying to install pylibmc package in window's environment but for that it requires python-libmemcached package to be install. So i tried installing the same but giving error: Collecting ...
abhishek's user avatar
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I can't install pylibmc in virtual enviroment with Python 3.4.0

First of all I use Ubuntu 17.10 and I downloaded previous version of python - python 3.4.0 because this older version is required in my project. I installed both memcached and libmemcached-dev and I ...
Przemek's user avatar
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Django Sessions via Memcache: Cannot find session key manually

I recently migrated from database backed sessions to sessions stored via memcached using pylibmc. Here is my CACHES, SESSION_CACHE_ALIAS & SESSION_ENGINE in my CACHES = { '...
deadlock's user avatar
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ValueError: gets without cas behavior in pylibmc

I'm trying to use the gets and cas methods from pylibmc(v1.5.2) to interact with the memcached server. As documented, we should pass the cas token from gets to cas. token = mc.gets("key_python_1") ...
hackjutsu's user avatar
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Memcached servers keeps failing

Everyday I get an error email from my python flask app with the following error: WriteError: error 5 from memcached_set: (54648992) SERVER HAS FAILED AND IS DISABLED UNTIL TIMED RETRY, host: 127.0.0....
TheOne's user avatar
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MemcachedError: error 31 A TIMEOUT OCCURRED'

I have a live server instance running on AWS,I took the AMI of current running instance and with that I created an another instance and I configured all the settings and the web server is nginx but ...
Akhi's user avatar
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Alternative for pylibmc cache backend in django 1.7

I have recently migrated from django 1.6 to 1.7 which has the following changes: If you instantiate cache backends directly, be aware that they aren’t thread-safe any more, as django.core.cache....
Alexander Rogovsky's user avatar
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Django Application with AWS ElastiCache, 500 Errors

I setup Django Cache with Memcached (with pylibmc backend). My settings look like this: CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.PyLibMCCache', '...
Astar's user avatar
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Docker, pylibmc, memcached

I've project that uses memcached. So when docker trying to "pip install pylibmc", library can't find libmemcached cause it's not installed yet. How can I organise my docker-compose.yml, or maybe I ...
Ildar Akhmetzyanov's user avatar
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Disable caching on celery task

I have a celery chain that has multiple tasks, one of which is extracting a tar file and returning the JSON found within that tar file. At completion of the chain, pylibmc raises error 37 from ...
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